I do realize for many of us Christmas remnants are still floating around so.... the idea of Valentines Day is not on the horizon. But, my new years resolution is to focus on getting my ideas for gifts or DIY projects to you well in advance. Which in the past I've had many to share that were left to the last minute or more often not posted at all. With that thought....I wanted to share a particular after Christmas sale that will give a jump start to Valentines Day.

Bath & Body Works is having a phenomenal after Christmas sale on their candles (in store and online). Although that may not be news to most. Have you given thought to them as a gift for Valentine's day? I for one am looking away from sugary sweets. I'm leaning towards alternatives for myself and those I know who have diet restrictions or have made a weight lost resolution.

One of the things I miss when trying to cut down on baking or indulging in sweets is......the aroma. There's nothing like the warm scent of something baking in the oven.

A gift of a sweet scented candle, body lotion or perfume could be a nice change.....
I would surely appreciate a guilt free indulgence right about now.

A gift of a sweet scented candle, body lotion or perfume could be a nice change.....
I would surely appreciate a guilt free indulgence right about now.

I love Valentine's day....my pink tub of goodness is looking at me! But not quite yet!
Hi sweet Sara,
It's me again...I am the one who lost my white kitty Sammy last March...I had sent you my story if you remember.
I am back just wishing you a very Happy New Year dear friend..filled with love, health and happiness all that you heart can hold!
If you ever want to chat just send me a message on my blog...we could Facebook if you have FB??
Love and Warm Hugs,
Sara, candels for V'tine's Day are a wonderful idea, and finding them on sale makes them even better. Thanks for the info. laurie
Sara, I am actually excited about Valentine's Day! Been scouring the web for new decorating and craft ideas. Enjoy your preparations!
that is a wonderful idea.
I don't need the sweets to eat FOR SURE.
but I love wonderful smells.
Oh my goodness I love candles and those chocolate mint ones, how fun is that? I just might have to dash off to Bath and Body today ;) Happy weekend!
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