We interrupt this programing for a special bulletin

Have you ever wished you could spend time in the company of the talented ladies you've chatted with on your favorite blogs, together creating all kinds of fun projects while enjoying a refreshing summer beverage and *Sweet*treat? Well.... this is the place where wishes are granted after all! Here's the event for you . All the info is on their *Sweet Six* site. Just click over for all the details. There's also a scrumptious giveaway from Analise at Sugar*Sugar!
I sure do wish blogger set it up to just "reply" to commenters with their names in the "From" lines so I could email ya back, sweetpea! Anyway, it's connie55@cableone.net to email me. I'll be waitin', chickee!!
Thank you for the very sweet feature, Miss Sara! We're so delighted to have you join us on this retreat and are looking forward to makin' stuff with you and getting to know you better! :) Hugs to you!!!
Sara... so excited to hear you will be joining us!!! what a fun month it will be. thanks for your super sweet blog feature!! xoxo Heather
HI Sara,
Thanks so much for your lovely post about our retreat, so glad to hear you are joining us!
Natasha : )
Hey Sara~
You are such a sweetie pie! Thanks so much for the shout out! I can't wait for the art retreat, it is going to be so much fun!!
Looking forward~
Awwww. THANK YOU SARA!!! We are *TICKLED* & *DELIGHTED* to have you as a part of our group. It means the world!!! Thank you sweet friend for helping us spread the word. :) XOOX
Thanks for stopping by for a visit. I am still new, and have a lot to learn about blogging and the computer in general. I just never had to while my kids were home, and now they are not. Beginning a blog has been a fun thing and I hope to improve in the days ahead. Your sight already has a special and unique flair. Look forward to visiting. Jackie
Hi Sara,
It was so sweet of you to stop by my blog and leave such nice comments! Thank you! Looks like you've just stared your blogging adventure, I'm sure you'll be a must read very soon *smiles* I'm still learning and haven't quite figured out how to get a pretty background yet *sigh* Looking forward to seeing your work!
Thanks for the comment Sara! I'll be checking this link out today.
I just love your picture. I always wished I could be artistic. Unfortunately I wasn't given that gift. Enjoy your retreat !
Cracked me up when you said wardrobe malfunction short sleeves to long sleeves... if that ain't the truth! I couldn't believe our weather change... but as a born and raised Washingtonian I love it when the rain returns! And funny thing is... I've been to Virginia and Hawaii when there's been total downpours and I swear the only people still in the streets are people from Washington! Ha... I think we're the only people who still venture outside when it's raining. LOL. Although I did learn my lesson in Virginia... because a thunder bolt landed not 5 feet from me... shook me to my teeth.
Hi, Sara! I'm Holly.
"See ya at" the retreat!
~ Hearts ~
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