Breadstick Bones
Here's an easy and fun Halloween dipping bread bone,
that's versatile.
It can either be a sweet or savory treat.
Savory Method:
1 (11 oz.) package refrigerated soft bread sticks.
Working with one piece at a time, stretch each strand
to approximately a 5-6 inch length.
Tie a knot at each end forming the bone shape.
Roll in grated Parmesan cheese until evenly coated
on all sides.
Bake as instructed on package, until lightly golden brown.

Serve with any desired cheese dip. shortcut recipe calls for an extra cup of grated Mexican cheese added to one jar of Tostito's Queso con salsa.
Heat together until creamy.
Pour into a cauldron and serve.
An additional savory option is a marinara dip. No doubt your culinary creativity will inspire many dipping varieties.
Sweet (to no surprise) is my favorite dip.
There are many decadent dips to choose from.
Sweet Method:
The bones are made basically the same, excluding the Parmesan cheese.
Rather than adding the cinnamon and sugar before baking,
I prefer basting the hot out of the oven bread bones with melted butter.
Followed with a dusting of cinnamon and sugar or confectioners sugar.
The sugar will adhere to the melted butter.
My go-to highly requested is my chocolate ganache dip.
The simple but effective secret is combing both semi sweet and milk chocolate morsels with 3-4Tbls. of heavy whipping cream.
Simmered slowly it's rich and creamy.
Also any fruit jam will make a quick and easy dip.
The sky is the limit.