This was definitely the Christmas that kept on giving. While most were packing up decorations...we were still joyfully receiving holiday guests including my grand-pups. I'm always amazed at how those pups can wear us out!! Hubs and I look at pup sitting as the minor leagues training for the major leagues of grand parenting.
This years Christmas tree was cut from our backyard.
We have a few trees growing awaiting their turn to be "axed" and adorned for the holiday.
The only major issue...trees that grow outside appear a whole heck of a lot smaller in the great outdoors.
Needless to say.....being that it had turned into a tumbleweed it was more difficult removing "TREEZILLA!"
The branches had dried up a bit, trapping our Christmas lights in it's clutches!
I'm happy to report they were eventually freed.
I'll have to admit.....I may have over indulged a tad over the holiday, but I've got a sure fire way to get back on track.
Join me and I'll fill you in on my recipes for success.

Join me and I'll fill you in on my recipes for success.
It starts at my fridge with not just healthier choices, but
convenient ones. Cause, face it's easier to reach for a bag of chips or cookies....achieving instant gratification at lightening speed!
So, here it goes.....
I start the week off by dicing a large variety of veggies.
Storing them in a airtight container.
I separate the tomatoes and cucumbers (into their own container) because of their higher moisture content. This prevents that moisture from turning the other veggies soggy after the first day, (if they're stored together).
To save time I purchase the bagged chopped cabbage, along with Romain heart leaves.
When my tummy starts to grumble I can put my salad together in a snap!
I add fish, poultry or beef for my lunch/dinner.
Second Recipe....The POWER SHAKE
This also satisfies my chocolate milkshake craving.
It's a great breakfast especially for on-the-go.
In a blender combine the following ingredients.
1-2 heaping cups of ice (I prefer mine thick)
1-2 cups unsweetened chocolate soy milk
1 frozen banana
1 scoop vanilla Slimfast powder (yes vanilla)
1 scoop chocolate Slimfast powder
or any chocolate vitamin (protein opt.) powder.
This makes 2-4 servings.
This recipe is a great substitute from most
yogurt and or fruit smoothies, which can contain over 32g. of sugar.
Equaling the same amount of sugar as one can of soda pop.

I just found these bars at the grocery store
1-2 heaping cups of ice (I prefer mine thick)
1-2 cups unsweetened chocolate soy milk
1 frozen banana
1 scoop vanilla Slimfast powder (yes vanilla)
1 scoop chocolate Slimfast powder
or any chocolate vitamin (protein opt.) powder.
This makes 2-4 servings.
This recipe is a great substitute from most
yogurt and or fruit smoothies, which can contain over 32g. of sugar.
Equaling the same amount of sugar as one can of soda pop.

I just found these bars at the grocery store
Yup, still looking for what can satisfy the "not so healthy choices."
I bought the brownies to try.
I have to say...they were delish.
The texture and flavor (in my opinion) were spot on.
Enjoying it with a cup of herb tea was perfect.
It kept me from reaching from the boxed brownie mix, which speaks volumes.

The day of "l'amour" is fast approaching.
To help you get started here are a few links to some amazing ideas.
Heather Bullard