So, when I found a steal of a deal at a garage sale (MANY) years ago, I was thrilled. It has been my constant companion at tub time or while crafting in the garage. Granted it only transmits local programing. If I'm lucky and the air waves are aligned, I receive all five channels! If not... there's nothing a small jiggle or scrap of tin foil can't fix. Like an old pair of scruffy slippers, I loved my Analog TV with all it's imperfections.
"Meet My little friend"

Now, the powers that be have decided to cut analog transmission.
No worries though.... converter boxes are available.
I just had to follow a few easy steps....................
Well, after following these simple instructions of...... placing OHM PROB- A into CONNECTOR- B
I just had to follow a few easy steps....................
Well, after following these simple instructions of...... placing OHM PROB- A into CONNECTOR- B
with every letter of the alphabet in between and only a few gazillion (WO)MAN hours, I made a connection. Just in time for this update!!!
So now...... I GET TO d-i-s-c-o-n-n-e-c-t everything??!!
Stick a fork in me I'm done (in). I've chosen to relish my TV's stay of execution over the next few months until we must part our ways. I'll honor my TV's wishes and donate my friend into the competent hands of the recycling center where parts will be taken to aid electronic devices in need. Hopefully to those out on a farm in the country where analog is still received and appreciated.

This gives me opportunity to reacquaint myself with my basic cable and develop a greater appreciation for my 71 channels!.................So I thought................. Then we were hit with the news channels 31-71 were subject to a Hi-Def change and would require converter boxes to those lucky recipients who had "ONLY BASIC CABLE!" URRRGGGHHH!!!!!