Friday, May 27, 2011

She knows we have to say goodbye....

Angel laid on my chest and filled my face with kitty kisses. Trying to give me enough of them to ease my pain and hopefully carry me through in her absence. Our time is fleeting. How I wished I could turn back the clock.
When I look at her I can't convey to her the the love
I have, or how great this loss is to me.
how I'll miss her everyday.

Angel always loved blogging, more so putting in her opinion.

She has been my constant companion through my darkest hours and has brought my greatest delights for 16 years.
As my dear friend said to me..."they're the ones we whisper our greatest fears to."

"We have a big favor to ask of you."

My circle of family and friends is very tiny here, so finding solace can be distant.

This is where I'm reaching out to you.
I know you understand with all your heart what these furry companions mean to us.
I would like to compile a scrapbook with all your comments.
Whether your a pet owner or just a lover of animals, would you please be willing to share your thoughts in the comment forum.
If you have or had a
fur buddy I'd love to read about your journey.
"Could you also invite your sweet (blogging) friends to stop by as well?"
I "
truly" appreciate anyone who would be willing to leave a comment at this fragile time.

Sweet Angel you have left a permanent paw print on my heart that will last forever.


  1. {{{{{{{{{{{Sara}}}}}}}}}}} You can use anything I've said from our FB emails.

    Angel is so beautiful, as are you. These pictures are so special and I know they'll bring you comfort in the future.

    Love you,

  2. I am so sorry, Sara. It's tough to lose a pet--especially one you love so much.

  3. Sara I have been meaning to re try to leave a comment after Bloggers 'meltdown" The other day. I am so sorry to hear of your special friends passing....I am sure she spent many a time In conversation/Blogging with me too....All these miles away across the seas here in OZ!
    I pray that you find peace and the ache that these little friends passing leave on our hearts fades with time. XOXOX'S to you Sara My Sweet freind.

  4. Oh Sara, I am so sorry to hear of your loss....loosing a pet, or rather, a soul mate in fur is way to difficult for me to bear. I am too cowardly to carry that pain.Bless you, Anita

  5. This Message is from mY Son (8 years)he was reading the blog as I typed...
    I wish you to know the love of your cat again....Sometimes as much as we miss our furry friends,New fluffy mates come into our life .....And they become special buddies. I am sorry bout your cat.

  6. I'm so sorry, Sara! I went through the loss of a dog that we had that was our first "kid", before the kids came along. We had our moments but she was my companion when I was a stay at home Mom and she was the one I talked to. I was so upset when she died - without warning - I just came home from the store and she had passed. I would tear up {and still do} for a good two weeks. I didn't think we'd get another dog, but the Husky pup we bought 11 years ago, greets us at the door now when we come home from work. Know that you will bear this and get through it. Remember those precious moments with her that make you smile.

  7. Sara,
    I am so sorry for your deep loss. Your beautiful Angel's life blessed you so much. I can see just how much you love her through your pictures. And it seems she was a constant companion.

    You named her so appropriately. Angels are messengers of God. They obey God and accomplish all His commands, they are helpers of believers and fellow worshipers of God. Angel was certainly a helper and friend to you!
    I pray that you find comfort, especially through all of our comments.

  8. Awwww, Sara...I'm so sorry to read that your sweet Angel fur baby is not doing well. {{Hugs}}
    She looks EXACTLY like our *Snowball* kitty that we had for 18 years. DD even had one of her wedding photos done with that wonderful companion!

    I pray you can find some peace with this difficult decision. She will always be close in your heart. You're lucky to have so many cute digital photos to remember her by, too. We didn't have digital back then.

    Be kind to yourself & realize you're going to feel sad for quite awhile. Its normal!

    Mega Hugs,

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your Angel baby and deeply saddened to hear about your loss. It's so hard to lose a pet, they become our children. You will always remember her and the good times you had with her. Your pictures are so cute and you should enlarge them and place them around as a tribute to her. Take care and my heart goes out to you.

  10. Oh Sara....I know how you feel. I wonder why my heart goes out toward animals more sometimes than to some humans. I guess because they are so helpless, unconditional, and loving! I lost my kitty Tinkerbell after nine years. It was very unexpected and shocking! Happy and seemly healthy one minute and gone the next. I'm still wondering what happened. He always was in my lap, slept with me...and followed me everywhere. The pain you feel is no less than for a family member when you loose a precious pet. My tears are with you and I hope you can find comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Maybe you can find enough love in your heart to adopt another fur baby one day soon, not as a replacement but for someone else to share the love with.
    If you would like a snap shot of my Tink for your scrapbook...let me know....
    love and hugs to you~ Cora

  11. Oh, Sara! I'm so sorry you've lost your precious Angel! She was a beautiful cat and your love for her is pouring out in this post!
    I do understand the love of a pet, they become our children! We had a little Boston Terrier named Sugar. She lived 15 years and she was like my baby. My eyes still fill with tears when I think of her. Sara, one thing, as bad as you hurt now, you have had the unconditional love that a pet can give. I believe our pets will be in Heaven. Some may laugh at that, but we have such a loving God and He knows the bond we have our dear pets. So I'm claiming when I walk through the pearly gates, Sugar, Stinkie, Wiggler, Daisy, and Pokey will all run up to meet me!
    I know your heart is breaking but know we're here for support and I think the tribute to Angel with the scrapbook is a wonderful thing to do - to remember Angel and to help you get through your pain. You'll have all these sweet memories for the rest of your life.

  12. Sara, Sorry to hear about the loss of your special pet. Please know that you'll always have your memories... Just over the weekend we were visiting family and reminiscing about the first "grand-dogs." Duffy was our first "baby" and a favorite dog cousin to about 20 nephews and nieces for 12 years. Then Dickens took his place for another 14 years. As much as those two dogs gave me fits, they gave us lots of love and dedication and we have a lot of memories to laugh and shed a tear over. Take care. <3 Sue

  13. I have to come back in a few minutes, Sara...too choked up right now....just wanted u to know I'm right

  14. My heart hurts for you, Sara. I know how much you will miss her. It is surprising how we can have so much love for these loyal and loving pets of ours.
    I am truly thankful that you had this angel kitty for so long...I'm sure she taught you to love so deeply and it affects your entire life. You are a better person for having this blessing sent to you.
    Knowing she is walking with Jesus and that someday, you will walk with them is a thought that will see you thru your valley now.
    My love and kisses to you,

  15. Oh Honey, I am so sorry you lost your precious Angel, it is so hard to say goodbye to your favourite many of my friends have lost their pets this year, I feel for all of you....I don't have a pet but I love animals and can't imagine the heartbreak it must be to see them suffer..... may you find lots of comfort in yur blogging friends, I know I love this blogging community...
    So many kind words and cyber hugs!!!!
    I hope all the memories and photos and comments help you feel better, we are all here for you!!!
    Big hugs
    Margaret B

  16. p.s.
    I tried to leave a comment the other day but bad blogger wouldn't let me!!!!

  17. I am sorry it is so hard to loose a fur baby
    She is a beautiful cat.
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  18. I came over from Mag's blog, The French Bear, because I know the pain you are feeling and I wanted to send you a ((BIG HUG))

    Your sweet Angel will always be with you, in your heart and in your memories. I also know that she will be waiting for you and you will be reunited one day.

    We had to say goodbye to our boxer girl Hannah on 5/22/09 and our boxer boy Kodak on 11/1/10. Not a day goes by that I don't think about them, miss them. I have their collars wrapped around one of Hannah's favorite toys and I can still smell them on their collars.

    When Hannah died a friend of mine brought over some balloons and she shared with me what she had done when her beloved companion went to Rainbow Bridge.

    As I released the balloons I sang the song I sang to Hannah and Kodak all the time and I sang it to them as they passed and as my husband and I held them in our arms, You Are My Sunshine.

    It truly helped me. I watched the balloons until I could see them no more.

    I will say a prayer to St. Francis for you and your sweet Angel.


  19. Oh how I know your loss, our fur friends are so comforting to us, they seem to have a knowing heart when we are down or troubled, I share your loss, may you feel your kitty's presence always. Hugs! Florence

  20. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Angel. Our beloved Westie named Max is referred to as our first born. Every year that he grows older we become more fearful for the dreaded day that his jingling collar won't be heard throughout our home.

    Sending you a big cyber hug today Sara!

  21. Oh Sara, I'm so sorry, and I understand exactly how you feel and have been there with our beloved fur babies. My heart goes out to yours, and I hope you know you are in my prayers. I ache for you and ache with you.

    I have been so blessed to have loved and been loved by many fur babies throughout the years, but the most loyal of all was Mr. A. He went through four moves and from single young woman to married adulthood with me. He was 16 when we had to make the horrible decision to send him over the Rainbow Bridge. I have never known a more loyal friend, and he was such a big, beautiful boy! He was half Persian, and while he didn't have long hair, he had thick, soft hair that he groomed to perfection. His sisters used to groom him, too. He was the king of the jellicles, you know! He reminded me of Gus, the cat at the theatre door from "Cats". Very dramatic, very regal, every inch the sophisticat.

    I had always had grey tabbies and black cats, too. I had never before had an orange and white cat and was actually looking for a Siamese when a pair of green eyes caught mine. I was in graduate school at the time, and I wanted a pet because I was so far from home and had always had a fur baby to love. A friend was with me, and she said, "Sheila, I think that's the cat for you!" So home we went, and he lived with me (and later Mr. Magpie) till just after my grandmother died.

    It was like he saw me through that and my mother's death, too. You see, he wasn't expected to live. Just before either of them got sick, he had his bladder rupture and had emergency surgery. He had battled stones for years, and though we fed him prescription diet and took him to the vet if he had issues, he would sneak next door (unbeknownst to us) and eat "ashy" food with my neighbor's cat. Like I said, he was a big boy and loved to eat! When we discovered what he was doing, we tried to put a stop to it.

    As a result of the bladder stones, he had emergency surgery, and they said that his bladder was necrotic (sp) and that they kept sewing and sewing as it pulled away. He was left with a tiny bladder and a smaller chance to recover at his age. Well, in addition to sparing no expense with his care, I decided to do something about his odds, and I put his name on the prayer list at church and didn't say he was a cat. (Later I told my minister who loved the story!) And do you know, the vet, not knowing that a prayer team at church was praying, said they all called him the miracle cat? They did! He got well and came home to live several more years. At the end, he was having kidney failure and was so miserable that we made the humane decision to let him rest.

    I am convinced in my heart that I will one day see him again. If the Lord, who loves animals and commanded man to take care of them, says He is going to prepare a place for us too wonderful for us to even imagine, I don't find it past His HUGE capacity to love and surprise us to have our four footed friends waiting for us so that Heaven truly will be home.

    In the mean time, I hope you find comfort in the knowledge that so many people care. Angel is beautiful, and she will always be. What a loving tribute to a good friend you have created, and what a wonderful opportunity for those of us who have loved and lost pets to share. There are others I've loved and lost, but I think Mr. A's story would best be appreciated by Angel. I'd like to think that Mr. A will be there waiting for her at the Rainbow Bridge. She seems like the kind of girl he'd just love!

    Warm hugs across the miles...



  22. Sara,
    Margaret @ The French Bear sent me over.
    I am so sorry for your loss, having a doggie that I adore I can understand how you can feel.
    Sending prayers and hugs across the miles,

  23. Dear Sara ~
    I have wondered over to your corner of the world by way of "The French Bear." I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your dear kitty. May you find comfort in precious memories, and the many hugs that are being sent your way.

  24. ((((((((Hugs)))))))))))), please know that I care. I'm so very sorry. Diane

  25. Oh Sara, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our pets become a special part of our family...there to cuddly and to give love unconditionally. I know she will be missed....Hugs Rosie

  26. My thoughts are with you Sarah, a big, big HUG from Amsterdam
    Erna xx

  27. Oh Sara -- I am so sorry. When they go, they take a little piece of our hearts with them. I think we become better people when we share our selves and our love with our pets.

  28. Oh bless your heart Sara! Angel must have been the best companion a girl could ask for. Sweet kisses she gives. Our pets are family. Mine have been such a comfort since my nest is empty now. My heart goes out to you during this most difficult time Sara. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


  29. Oh such a loving and sweet post. I am so sorry for your loss. Pets are such precious companions. They deliver so much love and require so little. God Bless, I will keep you in prayer. Hugs, Marty

  30. Sara, I am so sorry that your time with Angel is coming to an end. It's so hard to lose a companion that has been faithful for so many years. I hope she is comfortable and that her end is easy. Be strong and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Blessings...Mary

  31. Dearest Sara,

    My heart breaks for you in the loss of your Angel kitty.
    I know how you are feeling. I lost my dear Angel Sam on March 26th. I cry everyday for my dear friend Sam.
    Sam was in our home for 4 1/2 years and brought such tenderness amd love to us but especially to me. Sam was as close to me as my shadow. I went throught two major surgeries and Sam was always by my side. I had neck sugery and eye sugery within a three year period and Sam would be with me in bed and sit on my lap for Tv time everynight and curl up in bed by my side every night. We would craft together and read well I would read to him actually.
    I adopted Sam from a Vets here in town and knew right away he and I were meant to be. Sam was an all white Persian kitty.
    Sara you were given a gift from God and I truly believe your Angel and my Sam are playing in the rainbows and waiting for us once our time is over here on Earth.
    Do not despair you will be with Angel someday.
    I still catch glimpses of my Sam out of the corner of my eye as you will too of Angel.

    I have another little kitty now her name is Daisy..she too is a Persian, but a Calico. She is young and frisky and I still miss Sam but I know Sam would have approved of her very much!

    Take care my friend and know your life was all the richer for the gift of dear Angel.

    Warm tender Hugs,


  32. Ahhh...You are so beautiful the two of you..

    I don't have a furry friend..but have had..

    I appreciated that you shared everything together..

    Your very special friend..must have let you know how talented you are..

    An Angel to watch over you now~

    Thank you for making us part of yur lives...

  33. Hi Sara,
    I am so sorry to hear this news.

    There is nothing like a constant companion that sees the best in us and still continues to love us unconditionally no matter what kind of day we may be having... whether we're up or down.

    Please know my heart is with you. You carry all those memories of Angel with you, deep in your heart and no one or nothing can ever take that from you.

    Your post truly touches me and please know, I am sending positive thoughts your way and I hope although small, they carry you through a little to know you're thought of out here in CA and of course, Angel too.

    Have you entered Angel's name over at Rainbow Bridge? I felt a little better doing that for Gigi last year, having the world know she had a place and was greatly loved, as is and was your Angel.

  34. Sarah, I am so sad for you and your family. You've written a beautiful tribute to your beautiful cat. Your photos of her give such a wonderful look into her personality. I know the devestation that comes with the loss of a pet - especially a pet who has been your friend for so long, so I know you have difficult days ahead. Often, we have taken our pets for granted until we walk in the house and the don't great us, or we sit in a chair and the don't curl up in our lap. My thought and prayers will be with you as you grieve. laurie

  35. This brings back such bittersweet memories, as I went thru the same situation with my sweet little girl about 2 and a 1/2 years ago myself. She looked so much like your Angel. She had diabetes and loss of kidney function.
    I'll be praying for peace for you. A new white kitten would help ease the pain greatly. xo Debra

  36. Sara...I am so sorry for your loss of your precious Angel. I personally have experienced the loss of a beloved pet. It is a hard road and the lump in the throat is there for quite a while. I know that Angel though, wants you to remember her healthy and happy...and all the fun and memorable times you had together.

  37. Darlin' it's so sad and heartbreaking to lose our closest companions. They mean so much to us. About 5 years ago we lost out precious dog Tess, who was about 16 years old. How could you not feel that your losing a family member when you've been together so long. Then we lost our cat Booger last year after having him for 10 years and I miss him every day. I know to some people it may sound bad to say get another pet, like you can't just replace someone you love but it does help or at least it did me. I already had a couple when I lost Tess and Booger but before then when I lost an only pet I could bear to come home with no-one there to care or greet me. The loneliness was just too loud and too much.

    I'm saying prayers for both you and Angel tonight. I hope the love of so many friends gives you some comfort.

    All my heart...Tracy

  38. How beautiful a cluster of sweet photos of you & she together.

    I raised Manx cats & had several ordinary cats ...

    As a child, Sara, my first cat Tuffy was my constant friend & companion. He & I shared our most precious moments of my childhood together, he being my best friend. He would let me dress him up, ride him around in my doll buggy all over town, listened to my word, secret & comforted my every fear & tear.

    I can see that Angel was much to you as my Tuffy to me.

    How blessed we are to have these beloved pets to share our life with ... know that Angel is keeping the other 'angel pets' company until you meet again.

    I know you heart is heavy & your arms are empty, but Sara, your heart & memory are full of one of the greatest loves we humans can share in our lives.

    I am saying a prayer for you & sending hug ~

  39. I have been where you are and it is devastating. The unconditional love of our pets is something to be treasured. At this moment, Mele is under my always.
    She sleeps with me..and I don't really care a whit what anyone says about this. Both times that I lost my husbands I honestly think I would have lost my mind with out my little furry loves. I soaked their fur in tears more times than I can count. They have added so much to my life.
    When I came home after the deaths of my precious husbands, both times..I was not alone. With Patrick, there was Bumpy our cat and Winnie our sweet Pom. Now once again I dread the loss of a dear companion...
    They have taught me how to lose...and go on. I always think I can't but I do. I always think I can never go through the pain again but I do.
    They gave me something to get up in the morning for...when no one else was there...they gave me comfort.
    What I lost Patrick, I thought I would die and wanted to. But I was never, ever alone. I curled up in bed at night with both of them cuddled against me...and sobbed myself to sleep. I will miss them always.
    Now I have little Mele. She is worth anything I have to go through...and it will hurt once again.
    I understand how you feel so completely.
    Much love,

  40. oh my, you know i feel your pain, it cuts quick to the bone... i know what it is like to have to say goodbye to our dear little ones, its never ever easy, the only joy is that they are not suffering anymore, but we are...

    my heart goes out to you, i only hope that the pain will pass quickly and soon you will be flooded with warm happy thoughts remembering angel and your tears will dry leaving you with smiles forever more...

    thank you for taking care of her for so long and loving her so well, she was lucky to have had you. i am so sorry for your loss...

  41. Hi Sara,
    Your kitty was an absolute angel and Heaven did get another Angel for sure when she left this earth.It is sooo hard to lose them, they are our babies, our comforters, our companions...their purpose in life. I had a puppy a few years ago that died at just ten weeks old but you know that little guy left such an imprint on my heart. He was one special baby. My cat is now 14 and is going downhill too and my 11 year old Lacey(Cavalier) has congestive heart failure and is running out of time too. We are blessed to share our lives with them for as long as we can. I hope you meet your Angel again at another time and also find a new baby to love when you are ready. Take care, Betzie

  42. I'm sorry for your loss of your little Angel. The pictures of her are quite tender. Nearly 10 years ago I lost my little Ebony (my black kitty). She had been with us for 19 years, and I missed her more than I can say. The kitties we have now have been with us for 9 years now. They didn't take Ebony's place, but filled one of their own. Sending hugs to you.

  43. What a beautiful cat and a sweet companion. You have had many special years with her and I know she will be deeply missed! Blessings and Hugs go out to you at this time!

    ♥ Carrie

  44. I have loved and lost many kitty friends over the years, and am thinking healing thoughts and smiles of remembrance for you. We love our furry family so dearly. hugs,

  45. Hi Sara,

    Have just come across from Margaret, French Bear.
    So very sorry to hear about your beloved Angel and sending hugs and love to you and may you find comfort in knowing that so many of your blog friends care.
    Sadly we lost our Giant Schnauzer and Persian cat about a month apart, so know the sadness of loosing ones best friends.
    We need to just remember all the happy memories and great times we had with our pets.


  46. Oh Sara.....big, big, hugs. I had tears coming out of my eyes reading your beautiful post. I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to dear Angel. It's always very hard...but we have to remember the wonderful life we were able to give to them while they were here on this physical realm with us until we see them again in the spiritual realm. I've gone through this more times than I want..and it never gets easier but I look at it differently now. I am so happy my fur babies and I were able to be in each other's lives, bringing each other joy and happiness. We will see them again. :) You know, I'll tell you something personal, it's been hard for me to relate to humans (especially in relationships) because fur babies never hurt us intently like we humans can to each other. I have to know the person I am with will accept that my fur babies are my kids...else I'd rather it just be me and my babies. :) Love to you and your family...and kisses to Angel, as she is truly an Angel in kitty Heaven. xoxo May time heal the absence of her in your life..and may you know she is always around you despite.

    Lots of love. P.S., are you on Facebook?? I'd love to friend you....look me up. Michelle Turner.

    Michelle, Mocha, Quincy and Emma

  47. Very sorry to hear of your loss, I completely understand, my girl was 17 when she passed away... thats a long time to be with a furry child... I still miss her and think of her everyday... just know she knew exactly how much you loved her...

  48. Dear Sara,
    Words are not enough for me to express my sympathy in your fur baby loss.
    I have been on this journey several times and I can say, these precious compaions will always be in our hearts.
    God's gift to us even for a little while. They leave all too quickly, but the imprint on our hearts last forever.
    She loved you with an understanding only a life long friend can do. She also left in the knowing you gave her your heart to take her forward till you may meet again.

    With my heartfelt love and sympathy.
    Sending hugs,
    Celestina Marie

  49. Sarah, I'm sooo sorry, as I do know exactly the pain and tremendous loss youre feeling. The most comforting thing anyone said to me when I lost Jasper and Marmalade with in months of each other was that they lived the best life possible.. they could not have been loved any more then they were. this was comforting to me because it breaks my heart to see a stray or mistreated animal, and I know that my babies were pampered and never ever knew a day of mistreatment or cold. Or of any discomfort that wasnt immediately tended too. I still call figgy and frannie jasper and marmalade... ALL THE TIME! I lost a kitty, Flannel over 35 years ago and I still miss her dearly! these furry babies Ive always felt were gods little extra special gifts to us.
    Now with all of that said.. everyone is different, but I found the best way for me to move on is to get another kitten to love almost immediately. For me it really takes the sting away.
    Again, I'm so sorry to hear that youre going through this. Hang in there... ((((hugs))))

  50. Sending loving thoughts to you for the loss of your sweet Angel. So very sorry for your loss. Thinking of you. Love~Mandy

  51. Sara I came over from Maryjane's "Beehive" blog. I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard to lose a pet you have had so long.
    Your Angel was a beautiful kitty.
    My brother-in-law has a white kitty with one blue eye and one green eye. He named her Possum.
    She is his constant companion since my sister passed away.

  52. I'm so sorry, Sara. I have lost a beloved pet too. When one is this special, our pain is great.

  53. Sweet Sara,
    I really do feel your pain. I've had pets...did I say pets???
    They're not just pets, they are our family. A part of us. And thoses of us who have had pet babies for along time.Its really hard to loose them. I jst lost my Rip a few months back.I still cry for him.If our babies could talk...LOL... They know more secrets than our closest friends.
    So heart goes out to you. Please know she is always with you, and you will see her in heaven.
    May God Bless you Dear,
    Marie Antionette

  54. Dear Sara,
    I am so sorry to hear about you losing your beloved cat. We open up our hearts to our furry little friends, they become family to us and when one dies, it is like losing a family member.
    A while again I lost my Sammie Dog and someone gave me this little story. I am going to pass it on to you!
    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All of the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor and those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing, they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, after so long a time, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together never to be separated again.

    Hugs, Ann

  55. This must be very hard for you indeed. Our pets certainly become a part of our family.
    I remember when my cocker spaniel died about 6 years ago. She was very sick, and took her last breath in my arms.
    Death is so very very hard. The only way sometimes to survive is to keep all those great memories close to us.

  56. losing family is difficult. yes. family.

    my truest sympathies.

  57. Hi Sweet Sara, I'm sorry to be late replying, but we have been out of town. I'm so sorry to learn about your loss. We had to put our little Westie dog down a couple of years ago and we still haven't fully recovered, guess we never do when we lose a family member. We never did get another pet. It hurts too much to lose them!

    Take care of yourself!



  58. Dearest Sara,

    Many people don't believe that animals don't go to heaven when they die... they think that their life just ends. Not me. Perhaps they don't have the same "kind" of spirit that we do but they are a living creation of God. The life energy that they possess has to go back to the Father when they leave here. When my darling Sheltie, Brandy, passed and was cremated, her remains were accompanied by a poem called The Rainbow Bridge. It talked about how our pets are there waiting for us in heaven to reunite with us. Until we get there they are romping and playing and happy to be with the Lord and his other creations. God says in His Word that He knows the delights of our hearts and gives them to us. So why wouldn't he keep the pets we have loved so much here on earth? I believe my old cat, Max, my first dog, Tippy, then Nicky, my beloved Brandy, our family sweetheart Brownie will all be there waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge... just like your Angel will be waiting for you.

    Gods blessings and the biggest hugs ever, Sherry

  59. She is so lovely, I too know your heart break. I lost my beloved dog and one of my oldest sheep within a the last few weeks. It so hard to lose them. Just know we will always have the lovely memories of our sweet pets. I know you miss her as much as I do mine!!

  60. ((((HUGS))))Sara. I fell upon your blog as I was updating my mailing list tonight. I'm so sorry for your loss. Animals provide unconditional love. They are our part of our family. I know your heart aches right now. Your pictures and memories will bring you comfort and joy in the future.

  61. My darling kitty lived to be 18 and when he was starting to fail I struggled day by day. One day I spoke with a friend saying I will know when it is time and then the next morning everything changed for the worse and it was so clear that I had to do the unthinkable and take him in to be put down. He looked better afterwards then he did when I brought him in to the vets. He came home with me so my son still living at home could say goodbye. We held him and cried for hours and hours.
    There is a much longer, very funny/sad story to go with this that I won't go into here but I know our Alvin kitty, who actually had a sense of humor, would appreciate it.
    So many people do know what you are going through though. Know that we all support you.
    I am trying to visit every one of my blog followers. Some I am in contact with all the time but others have been MIA and we have lost touch. I want all of my blog buddies to know that I appreciate them.

  62. I am just by to check on you, sweet friend and to let you know I think of you often.:)
    xo bj

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Linda Crispell said...
    I can't say anything to make you feel better after losing your beautiful Angel, but I would like to say how very sorry I am for your loss.

  65. Hi Sara- I'm here by way of Margaret (The French Bear)--
    When I saw the photo of your beautiful kitty- I knew I had to come-- we have a white kitty at our house who could be the twin of your darling Angel.

    We have loved and lost precious kitties in our lives- so I truly know your pain. Saying good bye is so so hard. I am sorry that your heartbis breaking- time does help to ease that pain- but still- when I think about our kitties that we loved so much- I could cry in an instant.

    Your Angel is very lucky to have had your special love--

  66. Tears streaming, memories very sorry for your aching heart.

  67. I am so sorry you're going through this! What a beautiful little companion you've been blessed w/ all of these years. I have 2 Persian kitties & they mean more to me than I can even try to express with words. I became disabled at the age of 19 (in 2001) & although I didnt get my first Persian until 2006, they have both carried me through some dark, scary times. I am stuck in bed much of the time & one of the cats is constantly at my side. The other is a bit more fiesty & she pretty much does her own thing but she has so much personality & is SO entertaining to watch. Angel has been lucky that she had an owner who gave her all the love she needed! I know she'll be missed & again, I'm sorry you're going through this. I have a blog too if you'd like to drop by sometime. I do posts on random things, a lot of them deal w/ all of my health issues. I'd love to have you as a follower. I'm now following your blog. Sasha Belle, Coco Chanel & myself send love to you during this hard time!

  68. How can I express the love I have had for this same animal - the cat? I had two cats that I traveled with and had a tragic accident in Texas. One cat was in the motel where I was staying and I couldn't get back to her. The other cat was in the car and must have run away at the scene of the accident.

    I wasnt able to get back to either of them, as I was whisked away to the hospital in a helicopter, and later transferred back to Minnesota.

    I lost TWO animals I loved so much, and not at the end of their lives either. I have mourned them for so long.

    I cannot express the feelings of love I have for my animals.

    I now have a new cat, a brown tabby who is named Glory.

    She is a constant companion and brings such life and joy into my every day.

    I know very well the feeling of loss when you lose your pet.

    They are the best people there are.

  69. Additional note: only animal lovers seem to understand that animals will be in heaven - that they go back to God who gave them to us, that they are without sin and were made purely for our companionship and enjoyment. God would surely take them to heaven, and whatever they are - a spirit that was wrapped in fur, is something that will live on in eternity.

  70. Sara, thank you so much for leaving such sweet words on Mocha's memorial post. I know you know how it feels. No matter how many times I go through it, it's never easy and tears at my heart. Mocha was extra special since she was my *baby* and I will cry tears for awhile before I can start healing. I hope you have healed some from Angel's passing and I hope she has introduced herself to Mocha in animal Heaven. Lots of love to you...

    Michelle, Quincy and Emma

  71. So very sorry for the loss of your friend, Sara! (((HUGS)))!


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