Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Angel in my life.

Angel's been in my life for over 15 years. She is my constant companion and comfort. Especially now as I struggle through a personal event. My heart aches as I wait to hear the results from her vet. Please keep us in your thoughts as we go forward. I know how much you find unconditional love from your fur babies too. They bring our greatest joys.


  1. Add my prayers to it too! sandie

  2. I'm thinking good thoughts for Angel and you! Lots of love, Jen

  3. No doubt they are not pets, they are part of our family!


  4. Hi Sara!
    I DO know how this tugs at the heart... I will keep you and your sweet friend ~ a companion from God~ in prayer ♥ Bless you always,

  5. Hi Sara, I just posted on you facebook and decided to come over to see what was going on. Our pets are our children and so a part of our family. Hugs

  6. Ohhhhhh, Aunt Sara!! I am so sad to hear that your Angel kitty is not doing well. :( She has been a part of your family for so long and I know what an important friend she has been especially these past few years with the boys growing up. I will always remember visiting and her being there curled up on your bed, waiting for a cuddle from YOU! She loves you dearly!!! I'll say a prayer that you will receive some comfort and peace during this time of sorrow. Love and kisses - Janene

  7. Sara,
    We will keep you both in our prayers. They do become an important part of the family and in our hearts.
    Hugs to you.

  8. So sorry to hear about you sweet Angel girl. Our pets are such a part of our lives and bring such comfort and joy to us!

  9. Oh' Dear Sara. I am so truly sorry to hear about your Angel. Pets are just like our children, so I know what a difficult time this is for you. I'm sending prayers up for your comfort and if I could I would be there to give you a warm hug.

    All my love...Tracy

  10. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
    and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests
    be made known to God. And the peace of God,
    which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your
    hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    I am so very sorry for your loss.


  11. I never knew animals could complel us to love them so much , nor how much it would tear at my heart to have them leave, until I meet my first little stray cat, Daisy. Since then I have had my heart both healed and broken by several wonderful pets. My heart goes out to you. I hope that your grief will be of short duration and will be replaced soon by sweet comforting memories.


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