Monday, December 6, 2010

I'M B-A-C-K!!!

For some in denial reason I thought my youngest sons departure to college would be a breeze. I had planned to utilize the so called great wisdom I'd  acquired after barely surviving his brothers send off to college years prior. Like a Hoover I was sucked into this fantasy just like the self induced amnesia I've embraced after the last (college) departure. Unfortunately the bucket of ice cold reality splashed upon my face in a... cold, wet, wave (forming unquenchable tears).
As you could tell since I've been MIA... it wasn't the "breeze" I'd thought it would be. Those suspicious noises you may have heard in the far off distance that were chalked up to wild animal noises were... just the echos of little old me wailing.
Time and several visits from my college student have helped the healing process.
I'm happy to report my creative mojo has slowly made it's way back.
During my absence I've continued to check in with you from time to time.
The holiday spirit has really sparked your creative juices.
I've discovered such grand Christmas ideas!

Craftberry Bush
posted these lovely paper roses, featured as a gift topper.

Craftberry  Bush
shares a lovely variety of styles to wrap  up the holidays

"A gift within a gift"

Taking my found inspiration..... I created ice skates that can be used as an ornament or gift topper.
  Only a few stitches are needed to secure the pieces on these skates, making it easier to snip and use the socks whenever  so desired.

Start with a pair of socks any pattern or size.

Stuff with Polyfill . Be careful not to over stuff, causing the sock to stretch out of shape.
 Insert a sturdy gauged wire through the center of the Polyfilled sock from top to toe.

For a ruffled edge,  run a gathering stitch just below the top of the sock.
Pull the gathers and tie with a secure bow. 

 Bend sock to form the skate then, stitch a crisscross pattern to form shoe laces.

Cut wire the length of your skate, leaving extra for
bending/ curling
I curled the blade, but you can leave a slight bend at the tips following the pattern of a traditional ice skate.
Trim ice skates with your favorite embellishments.


  1. You always have really fun, creative ideas.

  2. I tHINK WE HAVE all had times of being fooled like that!
    Glad to see you back and love the lil skate idea!

  3. Welcome back! I'm glad you've recovered from the trauma of losing a kid to college. Hugs.

  4. Hi Sarah-
    How are you!!! I alway love your crafts and ofcourse your yummy food! in 10 years I'll be coming to you...what do I do, my first left, I really can't imagine. Uggg....sad just to think about it. I'm glad you are back. I wish you a wonderful Christmas friend!

  5. I am so glad you are back - I've missed you. Know how it feels to lose the last kid to college.

    Love all your ideas too.

  6. I was so thrilled to see your comment on my blog, Sara! I'm so glad to see you are back ~ you've been missed. I've checked your blog every week to see if you posted. I totally understand what you've been going through. It is so very hard, but I can tell you that blogging and creating kept me busy and my mind occupied when my youngest was away at college. He's going local now, so he is back home, but you'd never know it between school and work! : ) I love this project and I could see several of these on a tree.

  7. So glad you are back, Sara. You have been missed....Oh no I am dreading that moment too when my last little birdie leaves the nest. Just a few more years left!

    The ice skate ornament is so haven't lost your creative flair!


  8. YAY, Yippeee, YaHOO.......I hav emissed you. Kept checking on you and wondering what was up.

    I love your blog so it's nice to have you back...well heck, I just like you.

    I KNOW changes are hard. I understand loss...on many levels. We just always wish we could keep our children surrounded around us. Safe

  9. So glad you are daughter lived at home while she attended college so that was a breeze, but when she announced she was moving to Louisiana (a couple of yrs after college) to be near her USCG fiance`....I thought I would die! She had never lived away from home and she and I were very close so it was very hard...even after they were married. Thats been 3 1/2 years ago now so it is a little better now.
    I love the sock skate....too cute!!
    Thanks for the visit! :)
    Merry Christmas!

  10. Hi Sara and you have been missed! I'm sorry you've been heart broken about your little bird leaving the nest! Don't know if it helps, but it will get better as time goes on. I'm sure you'll so enjoy the holidays when little birdie flies back home for a while!
    Now you are so smart!! Love the little sock you've made!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. I know just what you went through. It was always very rough when my kids went off to college. I felt like I had to re-find my life.

    Sounds like you are on a good track now! Things are different, but now I love where I am in life.

    Thanks for the adorabe and festive stocking idea. So cute!

  12. Welcome back! It sounds like you have had some major separation anxiety. Poor Sarah!
    Great ideas in your post. I really like the paper flowers. Have a great weekend, it was wonderful to hear from you!

  13. Hi Sara- Glad you are feeling better and don't have quite the broken spirit! I only had one son, so when he left for school 2500 miles away, it was a little lonely around home. It got better, but I always got teary eyed in the grocery store, of all places! I guess it was because I wasn't food shopping for him and all his football buddies. :-) Glad you stopped by for a visit. I seriously cut back on the Christmas decorating this year. It was too overwhelming to put out 8 trees! You're on my Reader, so I'll be checking in with you as you post. Have a very happy holiday season!! ~ Sue

  14. I just love those paper roses and the ice skate idea is too cute! Our oldest son has just moved out on his own...and I know just how you are feeling. (Sniffle).


  15. I'm glad you are back and the holidays will give you time to "catch up" with your son. We went through this with my granddaughter and now she has decided to come home to a local college, so it worked out for all of us. I think the skates are really cute and a great tree decoration.

  16. Hi, Sweet nice to have you back.
    I love your adorable are so clever.
    hugs, bj

  17. Hi Sara, glad you're back, I know how hard it is to see our kiddos head off to their own lives. When it happened I just made sure I had lots of projects lined up. They're always close in heart!. Great little stocking sled you have created. Thanks so much for coming by!

  18. Oh my your little skate is adorable!! What a creative idea!

    So glad you are back - I do remember those days well - it's been over 5 years now since the empty nest and we are enjoying it after we got adjusted!

    bee blessed

  19. Yea! I'm sooo glad you are feeling better and that you are back to creating and sharing. And what fun creating you are doing! Love the ice skate! How did you ever come up with such a great idea? Welcome back! laurie

  20. you my dear are so creative...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the paper roses. They are so perfect, and add that special touch.
    Oh your tree sounds so very lovely, with lots of room for a decoration or two. And there is an unspoken rule that the carols must be playing as we deck the halls.
    Thank you so VERY much for your sweet, sweet visit...enjoy each and every moment of this magical season my dear...xoxox...Rosie

  21. So glad you are back, missed you!

    Love your new crafts!

    Yes, I love to decorate with the Christmas music playing and the sweet smells of Christmas!

    Thanks for your visit and comment! Can you believe I posted three times today! I hope you will come back to see all of them!


  22. Welcome back! When My son left for college, I decided to enjoy all of the pluses, clean house, stocked refrigerator that still had left overs when I went back, and not worrying all of the time. It seems I worried less when I was not laying awake to hear his car drive in. I love my "Baby boy" , but I am loving this freedom, I just know you will to, give it time! Thanks for stopping, I have decided to do only short Amtrak trips Too!!


  23. What a wonderful post, Sara. I loved every frame of it. I hope you had a great day. Blessings...Mary

  24. G'morn Sara ~ So glad you are back ... everything will fall back into place for you ... it just takes time.

    Pop by & read what we did this weekend.

    Merry Christmas Hugs ~

  25. Sara: I know what you mean by seeing the children off to college--just what we want for them but.....! I think you are doing some lovely things to help you through. Very creative!


  26. Oh' goodie Sara, it's wonderful to have you back honey!!! I wish you would've never had to go through that rough patch and wish I could've been there to give you a big ole' hug.

    I was thrilled to hear from you. You made my day! I've got to get some pics up of my trees soon. I'm behind but aren't I always. As a matter of fact I had the Christmas music playing today. And talk about cold. It's in the 20's here in Florida. Love how it makes it feel Christmasy though.

    Just love your skate, it's sooo cute! Well I better head off to bed. Thank you Sweetie so much for stopping by to visit. It's SO good to have you home in blogland!

    Warm hugs and Merry Christmas Wishes...Tracy :)

  27. Welcome back and thank you for visiting me....I kinda know what you are going through as my daughter is at college in the UK...and will not be home for Christmas! First time anyone has missed a Christmas.

    Your creative ideas are amazing...Thursday hugs to you. xoxo

  28. Hi Sara!
    Welcome back!
    Thanks for your sweet visit!
    I think your idea for a sugarplum tree is FABulous! I definitely think you should do it! Be sure to let me know when you do.
    I hope you are well on your way to a magical holiday season!
    Have a most beautiful day~
    ;-D Kathleen

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  30. Popping in to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Sara & I'm glad you're feeling more chipper. Hope that college kid will be home for the holidays to help make them brighter for you.


I enjoy strolling through all of your blogs, leaving your charming places with a Sweet Surprise. I truly appreciate the time you take in returning my visits and leaving your inspiring comments.