Wednesday, August 25, 2010


not only is it a cool, crisp, refreshing, taste treat it's packed with phytonutrients, vitamins A, C, and has a good hit of potassium, plus some B6 and thiamine.
Also a good source of Phosphorus, Zinc, Manganese, Magnesium and
it's great for a calorie, sodium free diet.

Many summer favorites can be created with watermelon: salsa, smoothies, sorbet and salad, to name just a few.

Every part of a watermelon is edible, even the seeds and rinds.

Watermelon Sorbet

Watermelon Cup

The perfect vessel for your appetizer.

Baby Shower Carriage

These lil' watermelons are simply made by hollowed out limes, watermelon Jello and
mini Nestle chocolate morsels for the seeds.

Melon Boats

Prepare Jello, add diced fruit, pour into small seedless watermelon or cantaloupe halves.
Refrigerate until set.

Slice and serve.

Watermelon Slice Cookies

Watermelon Bombe made....


Don't you just love these old fashioned fuchsia and white barber pole straws!!
If there's enough interest I'll consider adding them to my boutique's fall line up.
For the holiday's, red or green with white stripes will be available
(in limited supply).

All hearts....

young or...

old **love**

It's cryin' time!

For the full effect of my misery
please play as you read .

My nest will be empty.

He's off to continue his education.

Where he'll have a new home,
meet new friends, and experience new adventures.

If only when he drives away........

I could convince my heart this isn't who's leaving.

MySpace Images

Please stay tuned for my summer finale.....
*Summer Snowballs*
It's sure to get you in the mood for the upcoming holiday season with a hint of summer fun!


  1. I do love me some watermelon, but I don't think I've ever eaten the rind.

  2. OMG I got up in the middle of reading this post and took some watermelon out of the fridge!! Yum...
    Your pics were so luscious and put me into fresh fruit mode.LOL Thanks for posting the links-all of those watermelon goodies looked sooo good.
    :-) Sue

  3. Hi sweet friend...

    Ohhh...I absolutely love any shape or form so your post was like a watermelon-palooza for me!!! Hehe! I have never tried the jello and fruit in the melons before! It looks sooo yummy and really pretty too! Ohhh...and I loved the pretty watermelon cookies too! Well sweet friend, you have managed to make me really hungry for watermelon now and it's after midnight and I have NO WATERMELON! Thanks, Sara!!! Hehe! Such fun, thanks for sharing all of these fabulous watermelon yummies with us, my friend!!!

    Well my dear, it's a difficult thing letting go! I really do sympathize with you...after having three lovely daughters...all run off and marry "hairy legged boys"! Hehe! It was such an adjustment after each one left home! But sweet friend, cheer up...they always return HOME...even if it's just for a visit! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way, sweet friend!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  4. WATERMELON IS AWESOME cut up with fresh raspberries, pineapple and pomegranite seeds!!!! AND IN A SMOOTHIE WITH PLUMS!!! THis list does go on and on....and dear one, your little man is going off to become a big man....this has to hurt. I have no children, but I love little men, and every school year, I just adore watching my students learn and grow. When one of the boys becomes attached, I just feel like a mom and it is only a fraction of the feeling that a real mom would have. I bid you peace and satisfaction in knowing that you did your best in raising him, and I hope that he will always show YOU how much he appreciates you! LOVELY SURPRISES DEAR! Anita

  5. Virtual hugs, Sara! I went through that my son's freshman year {although, he was 1 1/2 hours away by car}. After that year, he changed his major and is going to a university near home, so he's back!

    As for the watermelon, I wonder if all those vitamins and nutrients are why people are so happy when they are eating watermelon. BTW, I ordered your witch hat ~ don't know if you saw that. : )

  6. Sara,
    Now you've got me craving watermelon!
    PS Take heart with the empty nest. It doesn't stay empty for long because the baby birds come home for Thanksgiving and bring their friends with them.:)

  7. Watermelon is my moms' favorite...she'd love all those things.
    they looked GREAT

    It is hard to send our kids off to school.....marriage.....wherever. But it's all part of the journey eh.
    and as moms, we are still allowed to cry

  8. Ya my little boy left in June. I guess I saw this little baby too. :(

  9. So dread the day my babies leave home. Hope you're doing o.k. Just checking in w/ you. I haven't blogged in forever, but like to sneak a read w/ I get the chance! Happy Fall! ;O)

  10. Hi Sara,
    I see you are like me and not doing much blogging, But aybe you will read this comment.
    First I'm really sorry about your empty nest.Its not fun to see your children gone out your home.I hated it.
    Loved all your ideas with watermelons.Being down south here.It is a staple...LOL. To celebrate my return to the land of blogging,I am having a give away.If you can pop on over.
    Hugs, Marie antionette


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