Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yes Virginia, Christmas has come early!

It's finally happened!

My camera has closed it's shutter for the last time.
No need for tears...

"Get your boots on Virginia, were goin' camera shopin'."
Although my camera isn't as old as the one pictured certainly felt like it at times, especially without a macro option (that word has become music to my ears).
It's quite possible I've paid the equivalent of two new cameras with all the batteries purchased over the course of time.
For any of you that have stock in Duracell batteries..."you're welcome."

If I were to leave the selection of my new camera up to my family... I've no doubt this is what they'd pick out.
"Holy macro " just think what I could capture in a single shot...
Wow, that would be one hard flash dot to shake from your retinas.
I'd be the envy of every paparazzi in Hollywood.

Due to the demise of my camera... I wasn't able to bring you all my personal favorite Thanksgiving confections. So, I'm bringing you a few samplings with a little help from my friends.

Here's a simple, but elegant gift for your host or hostess.
Preserves or compote jars adorned with a few autumnal embellishments.

Here's a vintage tag for your favors.

Southern Living Glazed Pumpkins

Shhh, I use Trader Joes pumpkin bread mix and a 6-mini's fluted bundt pan.
If you want to bump up your pumpkin cakes a notch, modify the TJ mix as follows:
2 eggs
1/4 cup oil
1/3 cup water
1 whole Trader Joes jar of Pumpkin Butter.
Bake as directed.

Caramel Rum Glaze


  • 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter

  • 1/4 cup evaporated milk
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon rum (substitution- rum extract)


1. Bring first 3 ingredients to a boil in a 2-qt. saucepan over medium heat, whisking constantly; boil, 1 minute. Remove from heat; gradually whisk in powdered sugar and rum until smooth. Whisk gently (or mix on low) 3 to 5 minutes or until mixture begins to cool and thickens slightly. Pour immediately over pumpkin cakes.

Petite Peanut Butter Pumpkins


1roll (16.5 oz) Pillsbury refrigerated peanut butter cookie dough

1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1/3 cup orange decorator sugar crystals
14 pretzel sticks or twisted pretzels broken in half

In medium bowl combine and mix (with spoon) cookie dough with flour. Dough should be stiff.
Shape dough into balls and roll in orange (colored) sugar crystals.
Insert 1 pretzel piece into each sugared ball to form pumpkin stem.
Using toothpick or tip of paring knife,draw lines for pumpkin ridges.
Bake 325 for 10-12 mins. or until firm and golden brown.

I am very thankful for your friendships and kind words.
You have added a Sweet Surprise to my life.
May you have a delightful Thanksgiving surrounded by loved ones and delicious food.


  1. Hi Sara...

    Ohh...I'm so excited for you, my friend! I hope you get the camera of your dreams!!!

    Now...about all of these fabulous goodies! I just love, love, LOVE those pumpkin cakes and the little peanut butter pumpkin cookies! They're adorable! I think I'm going to try the peanut butter pumpkins...would make a nice treat for my kiddos for Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for the great ideas and the recipes too!!!

    Sending you and your family my very best wishes and blessings for a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

    Chari @Happy To Design

  2. Those mini p0umpkin cakes are adorable! If only we had a Trader Joes.

  3. I hope you get a wonderful camera :)

    The pumpkin cakes are so cute!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!


  4. How exciting! I just got a new camera about a month ago and love it! It is simply amazing the pictures I am getting from it, compared to my old camera.

    I love the pumpkin cakes too! Makes me wish I had the pans to make some. Take care and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  5. I have been seeing the form for those cute little pumpkin cakes and have been temped to buy one and see how they work.
    I seldom have to do much baking anymore but now and then I love to try something.
    I had no idea you could just go buy them..and we are not far from Trader Joes! :)
    I am looking forward to getting a new camera..but have decided to wait a bit longer...maybe! :)

    I enjoyed this post very much..
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy every single minute.

    Love and smiles,

  6. Congrats on your new camera! Those glazed pumpkins look too good to eat. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

  7. Awesome post! wow, a new camera would be wonderful, hope your wish comes true!
    Love the pumpkin recipes, so yummy sounding!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I do hope to have an Etsy store soon, but for now I just show pictures of my work, although I did sell the top hat with the snowmen (275) and I want to sell more, just need to make some!!!
    You can always email me with queries.
    Margaret B

  8. Sara
    Where on earth have you been hiding??? I never knew you had read any of my posts, was it at pinkfadedroses or this new one? I went and read all your posts and you are one funny girl! Creative as all heck too! What a delight to finally met! I look forward to getting to know you better! I will be adding you to my sidebar tonite! hello, hello! Lori

  9. Great pictures Sara! Love all of those vintage cameras. My f-i-l has been in ICU an hour away from us, so I haven't had much time for blog visiting. I wish I'd found these recipes earlier. My grandchildren would love to "help" make some pumpkin cookies! So cute! Wishing you and yours and wonderful Thanksgiving. laurie

  10. Hi Sara- Thanks so much for your well wishes Monday! I am feeling so much better- almost normal, whatever that means! LOL
    Your little cakes look adorable and i bet taste so good. My appetite is back, but I have to be good... the diet starts for real in Jan.
    I would like a new camera, as well. Mine is fine, but I want some bells and whistles. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving with your family!
    :-) Sue

  11. I'd love to try those pumpkin cakes. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Sara, returning your visit to wish you a Very Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful, too, for all of the many blessings in this life. One of which is meeting so many nice bloggers this year. You are certainly in that number.


    Sheila :-)

  13. I'm so excited for you about your camera b/c my husband just surprised me with a new camera also. I was in dreamland [Canon T1i].
    I just came upon your Blog and I love it. Thos emini pumpkins are just adorable.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. What a fun post to read. There was even some sparkle. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of blessings and good food! Thanks for coming by to visit too!

  15. Hi Sara, thanks for stopping by. It doesn't matter how big or small your family is, enjoy your blessings. Have a wonderful day. Blessings, Debbie

  16. Hello Sara, and thank you so much for your visit today, I have missed you! I actually have one of those old box cameras that once belonged to my grandpa! I used it all the time as a little girl! Now it is a family treasure to display only... I LOVE my little Canon camera with Macro! Your recipes sound delish! Especially the little pumpkins with rum glaze!!! ( I refuse to substitute for the rum! tee hee hee!)... Happy Thanksgiving... love to you! Bisous... Julie Marie

  17. A new camera...and you get to open it before Christmas?
    I have one of those bundt pans but never thought to join both sides together. Duh.

  18. Hello my Dear Southern Lady.
    Thank you for your kind words.
    So sorry about your camera,but just get to get another oneeeeee.Yeaaaa!!! I know your Thanksgiving although small will be a great sucess.I know us southern cooks go way out no matter what.So lets start cooking.I just finished a big pot of mustards.They sure were pretty.Yummy.I wish for you and your family a most blessed Thanksgiving...And kitty too.
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  19. Hello, Dear One! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and I too hope you get the camera you want!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  20. Hi Sara...

    Just wanted to stop back by, my wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours will be small as well...just my honey and I and the two kids! But...I'm fixing the traditional turkey and all the fixin's!

    I got your sweet email and just haven't had the time to write back...thought I would say something here! Ohh my goodness...can't believe that you have family in Greeley. That's where my two step-children live. We make a trip up there every other weekend! Wow...we do live in a small world! I'm very familiar with Greeley...I grew up there! Hehe! Girl, if you ever get out this way for a visit...please let me know so we can get together! I would just love that!!!

    Well Darlin'...just wanted to come by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your very sweet Thanksgiving well wishes!!! I will talk with you soon...

    Warmest wishes,
    PS...I'll be watching for your package around the 2nd of Dec....oooh...I can hardly wait!!!

  21. Hi Sara,
    I'm so happy to hear your camera has clicked for it's last time (can't believe I"m typing this, but if you're happy... I'm happy!).

    Those peanut butter pumpkins with pretzels certainly have my attention, they sound so deliciously good. I may have to try to bake some to enjoy with my diet Coke - one offsets the other, correct?

    Have the happiest of Thanksgivings!

  22. Thanks for coming by to visit and leaving such a nice comment. Those pumpkin cakes are just tooo cut! Thanks for all the inspiration. Blessings to you and yours as you enjoy Thanksgiving.

  23. I sure wish MY ancient camera would bite the dust! I can't justify buying a new one while it still works just fine, but I'd love a newer one.
    Thanks for your kind comments today & for your recipe adjustments to make those mini pumpkin cakes even better. I've taken notes. :D

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours,

  24. Hi Sara thanks for stopping in today. Good luck on your new camera. I love mine. I am a real amature but I love it. Be sure at get one with a rechargeable battery.
    Thanks for sharing these photo's I looked for vintage and couldn't find much. You did better than me.
    And they cakes and cookies adorable I have to try that next year. I guess you need a tiny bundt pan. So cute!
    Thanks for sharing and Have a Blessed Day.

  25. Hope you and your family have a blessed and happy thanksgiving;)

  26. I love those little pumpkins! Sounds easy and fun to make! Have a wonderful holiday!

  27. Camera shopping sounds like so much fun!!

    Thank you for the sweet blessings today! I hope you also have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Wendy

  28. Hello Sara,

    What a beautiful post!!! Maybe Santa will bring you a new camera **wink** but you'll need to be very specific about the details so he'll get it RIGHT!!

    Thank you so much for stopping by. We'll be small in number as well, going over to my Dad's.

    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  29. Good for you getting a new camera! Thank you for stopping by with the wonderful Thanksgiving wishes. My hubby has to I'll fix a nice meal for supper. Guess the kids and I have a whole day to relax and *maybe* create a bit! (*wink*). Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving! ; )

  30. OMG ~ lucky you Sara. My camera should go in the trash and I was hoping to get one for Christmas but we just lost some of our income and it won't be more than a homemade Christmas this year unless I win one. LOL. I hope you get the camera of your dreams!!!!

    Those pillsbury pumpkins are so cute. And they look so elegant and surprisingly simple. I difinitly plan on making these.

    Dear Sara. Thank you so much for coming by an leaving me such sweet comments and wishing me happy Thanksgiving. I'm wishing you the same. I hope you and your family truely enjoy it. It sounds like it's going to be so yummy! I'll be picturing your small family celebrating while my small family (Neil, his 89 yr old Mother, who lives with us & myself) are sitting down to dinner.

    Hugs and love, Tracy

  31. Sweet recipes and I'm hoping my camera closes it's eyes too! So need a good one!

    blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving!


  32. Thanks so much for your Thanksgiving Day wishes...I am excited about your new camera too! I think I need one of those for Christmas! Have a fun, food-filled, blessed day tomorrow.

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  33. Sara, you are so very sweet to stop by my blogg and leave you sweet message. Your receipts are to die for. I'll come visit again. Happy Thanksgiving.


  34. Sara..
    Thank you for leaving such a dear, dear, comment on my last post. It warmed my heart.

  35. Congrats on the new camera! This post was fun to read and I love the little pumpkin cakes. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  36. Hi Sara,
    Thanks soo much for dropping in to say hello, and wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving day !! This made me laugh so hard .. LoVe that van !! Those darn cameras .. we just can't live without them tho .. I soo hope your holiday is nothing but blessed, and I soo hope you feel up on lots of yummy food .. We can worry about that later .. hahaha .. thanks for the giggles, and love and hugs for you.

  37. Hi Sara: I am so happy for you. A new camera and it is not even Christmas yet! I would like to wish you and your family the best Thanksgiving Day ever. Blessing to you, Martha

  38. I am so jealous that you get to shop at Trader Joe's! I've never lived near one and never visited one during my travels. Those pumpkin bundt cakes are too precious.
    Thank you so much for visiting me today and leaving such a sweet comment. I wish you and your family a very happy turkey day and can't wait to hear what kind of camera you end up with. :-)

  39. Sara, so exciting-a new camera-takes a while to get to know a new one, but so much fun!! Thank you so much for your super sweet comment this evening. It really was so welcome and endearing and just what I needed this evening! Meal preparations have started tonight, to continue tomorrow, so I was catching up on emails when your comment came through. :) Wishing you and yours the very best Thanksgiving!! ~ Angela

  40. Sara,
    A new camera, you're one lucky lady, woo, woo! I'm trying to stay off the sweet stuff, but your such and evil temptress. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

  41. I'm hungry and it's past bedtime.

    I'm sorry about your camera but hope you find the perfect one...and on sale too.

    Thanks for your sweet comment today.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  42. Sara thanks so much for coming by. I also need to catch up but alas, life has been crazy. Hope you and your family have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving and yes, I will definitely try the plain yogurt!! I have heard of it but haven't tried it on her yet. I will try to swing by the market and get some and see how she likes it. :)

    Hope all has been well!! I will definitely be more active after the holidays.


    Michelle and her kitties

  43. Thanks for coming and seeing me, I definitely have to try some of those recipes soon. Good luck on your camera shopping. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Florence

  44. Hi Sara!

    Darling pumpkin cakes - I've gotta try that!

    Have a great Thanksgiving Sara! I'm so glad I've met you in this big world!!


  45. thank you for your warmly coment to me. Your blog absolutely fantastic and I like all of pictures and post.Pumpkin recipe sounds gorgeous!

  46. Gorgeous post!! Thank you for sharing all of that yumminess with us!

  47. Oh I so want a new camara and the death of one is the way to go for sure. good luck and making some cool choices, there are so many to pick from out there.

    I wish the best for you and yours this Holiday season!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

  48. Thanks for "strolling" by my blog, Sara! I hope you and yours have a very Happy Thanksgiving, as well!

  49. OOOOH, love the pumpkin bundts!!! I'm panicing, I want them for my dinner today, "Do I have a mini bundt pan?" the question whirls through her head...I think I do, where is it? I'm almost positive I do!!! Hmmmmm, better run and rip my kitchen cupboards apart...Thanks for sharing my inspirational friend!!!! Your the best, your so darn clever!! Your inspiration catches me off gaurd every time! Happiest of Thanksgiving to you and yours!!! XO Keke

  50. What a wonderful post for the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  51. Happy Thanksgiving Sara!!! I'm waiting for the turkey to cook and my daughter to get off work as a waitress!!! We too are small in numbers! It will be just the three of us but like you I will not be holding back the carbs either!!!lol Thank you for your sweet comment. I'm so far behind in my visiting and posting I'm not sure I'll ever catch up!lol Best Wishes for a beautiful day-Sincerely, Jeannette

  52. Cameras can be very "complex" I remember when I got my first digital camera and called over my geek genius son and he tried expaining to me about pixars and pixels and all things martian --I said I just want to turn it on, turn it off, and take a good photo
    he rolls his eyes at me

    every good blogger MUST have a functional camera
    that turns on and off and takes good photos

    happy thanksgiving

  53. Hi Sara, I hope you and your family had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Lots of Love TVK X

  54. Sara, love the goodies, yum! Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog..stop by often!


  55. I love those petite PB pumpkins. I do really well with miniature desserts b/c otherwise I just gorge on them, as evidenced by last night.

    I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving! What kind of camera are you looking to get?

  56. I am going to have to try the Trader Joe's pumpkin mix - thanks for sharing.


  57. Drooling wow fantastic recipes!

  58. Sara, I hope Santa is listening to you.
    Please come Follow me on my new blog ... had issues with the old one.

    We are having a huge GIVEAWAY ending Dec. lst.
    Hugs, Marydon

  59. Hi Sara ~
    Thanks for visiting my blog...I am a tad behind on getting back to you.. My camera is the Canon Rebel T1i - it is the newest Rebel - came out the end of May - I do love it so ! I hope you get a new camera soon !

  60. A new camera! Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you get. Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog.


I enjoy strolling through all of your blogs, leaving your charming places with a Sweet Surprise. I truly appreciate the time you take in returning my visits and leaving your inspiring comments.