Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Winner and Best In Show!

It has been a whirl wind of events.
I was truly surprised by the overwhelming response to my Giveaway.
One sweet friend came as far as Italy!!


Miss Chari from Happy To Design!!

That was such a fun ride....

I decided to pick another winner!!

Yes, two Jars two winners !!

Miss Justine from Stupid Is As Sister Does

you're my second winner!!!

Ladies this Apothecary Spigot Jar will be on it's way to you...
as soon as you contact me with your mailing info.

Thank you again for participating.

I really didn't want to leave anyone disappointed.....

So, to show my appreciation and in the spirit of the Christmas season,
I've decided to continue the giving by joining Romantic Home
Monthly Giveaway.

Part of my ventures (as you know ) was to my most favorite event.
The Seattle Cash and Carry trade show.
I can't begin to describe how wonderful this three day shopping extravaganza is!
The plethora of eye candy to consume can make a girl dizzy!
To give you an impression what it's like... my credit card has been left with smoldering skid marks!!

The trick (as always) is finding a way to bring A-L-L my purchases back home......on the train!!!
It would really help if I could have a whole train car to myself, but I guess that's a little to much to ask.

As incredible as the shopping was, It couldn't top "the best in show!"
I've been searching high and low for a jewelry designer that I could commission to create some custom pieces for my shop...
Sara's Suprise Sucre
I (finally) found her!
What's even sweeter...... her name is Angel.
She definitely lived up to her name.

Just a little peek of whats to come...

( click to enlarge the beautiful details, but be prepared, have your sunglasses handy).

Swarovski Fleur de Lis with chain.

Paris Eiffel Tower Tank...A-L-L SWAROVSKI'S!!
Wouldn't this look marvelous layered with a pink french cuff blouse!

What drew me to her line was her Parisian flair and the quality of her designs .
Each (one of a kind) piece is constructed with the finest materials and (American made) craftsmanship.
I'm ecstatic to add her exquisite jewelry and clothing styles to my boutique .
I'm so looking forward to sharing this line with you
(in time for your Christmas shopping).

I've notice you've been so kind to add me to your blog rolls.
I'm updating my links and would love to include you on my roll.
Please let me know in the comments if you'd like to link up.


  1. Oh Bummer How'd I miss that you were having a Giveaway!!!

  2. {{{Ohhh my gosh}}}...{{{Ohhhh my gosh}}}...{{{OHHH MY GOSH!!!}}} I WON!!! (Hehe...that's me jumpin' up and down...doin' the Happy Dance!)

    Ohhh Sara, I rushed right over when I seen this post pop up...and I caught just a glimpse of my name in the headliner!!! Girl, I'm just ecstatic!!! Ohhhh...I was soooo wanting and hoping for this fabulous apothecary/beverage jar!!! I just can't believe it...I won!!! I WON!!! Okay...I'll calm down in a minute...I'm just beside myself!!! Hehe! Sara, thank you sooooo much!!! You're the best, my friend!!! I will email you with my info.

    Thank you!!!
    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  3. Hi Sara...

    It's just lil' ol' me again! My friend, my computer is not set up for outlook mail so I can't get to your email. If you will email me at chari800@yahoo.com I will get right back to you!!!

    Thank you, Sweetie!!!
    {{{Ohhhh my gosh...I WON}}}

    Chari @Happy To Design

  4. Congratulations to the lucky winners!


  5. Oh those lucky girls!!!! You have made them so happy, good for you! I always look forward to the next surprise, never know what you are creating!!
    Margaret B

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Fleur de Lis. Gotta have one!

    Congratulations to all the winners.


  7. Congrats to the winners!!!
    Nice to see you as always and love your blog! :))

  8. Oh gosh, I meant to say, I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Licorice and Black Dots!!! Don't forget you can get Black Crows any time of year...:)

  9. Hello Sara,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm happy to visit yours.

    Congratulations to your fortunate winners.

    Sally (whose name is also Sara)

  10. Congratulations to the winners! You lucky girls!

    Wow! Looks like you had loads of fun at the fair . . . I'm looking forward to visiting your shop. Those necklaces look divine!

    Thanks for sharing!


  11. Hi Sara! Congratulations to your two winners, the lucky girls! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your special name story, I think the name Tinker is a keeper for sure!

  12. Congratulations to the lucky winners! Wish I was one of them, but I'll enter your future ones. Thanks for being so generous.

  13. Of course I want to be included in your blog roll --duh.

    bummer, me not winning the giveaway and all. but congrats to the others (sorta)

    what a fun trade show it sounds like you were on. I love all the cool and beautiful things you have to show us

  14. Hi Sara...

    I got your sweet note! So happy to have you stop by, my friend! I just wanted to let you know that I have no way of getting your email. When I click on your email link it pulls up an identity box on my computer that uses Outlook mail and we don't have Outlook. It won't even show me what your email address is...so sorry! That is why I left you my email address. Could you please email me? Sorry for the inconvenience!!!

    Have a fabulous day, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design
    PS...my email is chari800@Yahoo.com

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I missed your giveaway!!! Congrats to Chari and Justine! Please add me to your blog roll!

  17. Sara! I cannot believe you gave another one away... and to ME!!! OmG, I am sooooo excited because I've looked at that damn thing on my sidebar for how long now? Looked and drooled. Yippeeeeeeeeee! And I'm in great company with Miss Chari, too!

    Wow, I love love LOVE that fleur de Lis necklace. That is knock-out gorgeous!!!!

    Justine :o )

  18. Congratulations to both of the LUCKY ladies!
    The necklaces are beautiful! I'm sure you both will do well in sales.

  19. Those necklaces are gorgeous! I can only imagine alll the eye candy there was at the trade show!

    Sandy xox

  20. Dear Sara,
    Happy Thanksgiving! Congrats to Chari & Miss Justine! The cash and carry sounds sublime!
    Have a wonderful time and enjoy tomorrow with your husband, son, AND cat. ;-)


  21. I love your blog, too and would like to be in the blog roll! I missed your giveaway, too! BOOHOO! Happy Thanksgiving! It will be just my hubby and I but I'm cooking all the traditional favorites! And I love leftovers! Enjoy your day!

  22. Sara, I looked on My Romantic Home to see about monthly giveaways.
    Thought I might join in too

    could not find anything on it.



    barbara jean

    PS enjoying your blog!

  23. Congratulations you lucky winners! I love this jar and bet ya'll are too excited about winning it. Sara, that was a great giveaway.


    P.S. I'd love to be added to your blog roll. Thanks.

  24. Sara,

    You have the best sweets. You're like Giata, Rachel, and the tall blonde woman all combined into one. Better food and better looking.



I enjoy strolling through all of your blogs, leaving your charming places with a Sweet Surprise. I truly appreciate the time you take in returning my visits and leaving your inspiring comments.