Sunday, December 27, 2009


and petite

New Years treats.

Mini Chocolate Dipped Apples

These appetizers are the perfect bite size indulgence.
I chose a peppermint candy topping, but
toffee bits, nuts, or (finely chopped) candied fruits are also a nice compliment to these little apples.
I found they need to be made up the day of the party for optimum freshness.

The mini apple form is cut out with a melon baller.
I prefer to use Ever Fresh to preserve the apples, in place of lemon water.
Whichever you use... give them a good pat dry before their dive into the chocolate bath.

To attach the candy cane drill a hole three quarters of the way down with the cane tip.
Dip the cane (end) into the chocolate, then back into the hole the chocolate will bind them together. I did a quick set in the freezer (I'm too impatient to wait for the apples to set in fridge).
When the canes are set it's time for the second (or double) dip for the entire apple.
Sprinkle the topping pieces of choice around the top or bottom of the apple.
Cool set (again).

Serve in a festive mini cup cake liner or cup....
(a Pâtisserie liner or Bon Gâteauun Cadeau Doux cup).

I added a generous layer of sugar crystals to the serving platter to represent snow then placed the chocolate apples in the cups/liners on the platter of faux snow.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to snap a shot before they were snatched up.
These french script petite liners and cups are sold out, but will be back in my shop soon.
(The English translation for the liner is....Pastry and Good Cake Sweet Gift for the cup).

Pot Du Creme

I have to say this was the most fun I've had creating a new recipe for my petite pots.
It entailed tasting vast amounts of chocolate and cream... I did share the honor of taste testing with Paul.
Here's the base recipe for Sara's Pot Du Creme

1 cup- milk chocolate: bar, chunks or chips (no imitation)
1/4 cup- heavy whipping cream
Combine Ingredients
on the stove top at low heat then stir together chocolate and cream just until smooth.
( Keeping the melted chocolate at a cooler temp will allow you to add the whipped cream without deflating).

In A Separate Bowl
whip up 1 cup of heavy whipping cream.

Fold Together
by heaping spoonfuls the whipped cream to your melted chocolate.

Pipe or spoon into your Pots.
a minimum of 60 mins
This can be made well in advance.

Flavored Whip Cream
I place a demitasse or jigger of the whipped cream next to each Pot Du Chocolate Creme.
The whipped cream is prepared with bourbon vanilla and powder sugar to taste.

A variation to this recipe is...
1/2 cup Semi or dark chocolate
1/2 cup milk chocolate
adding instant or brewed espresso to the chocolate base and or to the whipped cream will enhance the chocolate flavor.
This can also be adapted for a low carb recipe by substituting the chocolate with a sugar free chocolate bar(measuring 1 cup).

A Teeny- Tini

Rim your glass with a wish in white chocolate.
This a creative tip is from the very talented Miss Saucy.
She is the queen of cupcake cuisine.
This is wonderful tip for any seasonal beverage.

I would like to add a special note of appreciation to thank you for showing your concerns for my absence and the well wishes for my kitty girl, Angel. Her vet thinks the chronic limp in her left leg is due to arthritis. Her lab results were favorable, but when the doctor was shaving her leg to draw her blood she discovered an abnormal sore. By it's appearance it has the signs of melanoma. We're still not sure at this point, but we have a close eye on it for any sudden changes. She's been in my life for 14 years and has been my comfort through a multitude of life's events, including my own daily health struggles. So, my concentration has been a little distracted with her.
This is a start of a new year with renewed hope for the future. " I look forward to playing with my new camera and upgraded laptop, (which both had taken a noise dive). I hope to continue to share Sweet Surprise's with you!!"
Speaking of....

or should we say...The WINNERS for the Girlfriends Eco-Tote are....

Chocolate And Marmalade Tea
Melissa-Green Girl In Wisconsin
Mary's Meanderings
Lady Katherine Tea Parlor
WendyTractors & Tiaras (No Botox Allowed)
OK girls, send me your addy's and your Tote will be on it's way!


  1. You are killing me here!

    Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks so much for your verry sweet comment brought a big smile to my face. I CALLED MY SISTER IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ABOUT THE SNOW TOO...isn't it funny how they think we are always homesick for California? No...we love Oregon!

    Thanks, Sara

  3. well there you are! havent seen you in a while. But youve come back with a bang! those little choc apples are precious. and.. making me hungry!
    oh.. and LOVE all the wonderful snowman art!
    Happy New Year

  4. i love those little apples, they are so cute...and they sound really yummy too!!!

  5. MMmmmm! So delicious and beautiful! Sara you know how to take the ordinary and make it extrodinary when it comes to sweets and treats! Love coming here! :)

  6. Everything looks so yummy Sara. Happy 2010 to you!

  7. Hi Sara, Hope all goes well with kitty Angel. Your Sweets here look delicious and many congrats to all the tote winners. You are so right about the quiet hubbies hehe, Hope 2010 is a safe, happy and healthy one for you all, hugs, Kathy.

  8. Nice to see you back! I thought you just took some time off for the holidays. I'm sorry to hear about your kitty.

    Those recipes look decadent and delicious! I'd be your taste tester any time!

  9. Oh gee! Thanks!
    I'm now 5 # heavier after reading this post--such divine treats you've made.
    Good luck with your cat--that must be awfully hard.

  10. Whoopee wow, freaking awesome I WON!!! (jumping up and down...can't do cartwheels anymore)

    Wendy Resvick
    RR1 Site 8 Box 16
    Didsbury, Alberta T0M 0W0

    It won't fit in the post box but I'll get a note to tell me to pick it up from, town. SORRY ---this will cost you a little more for shipping being it's in Canada and all.
    That doesn't DISQUALIFY me now does it.


  11. Sara! I keep missing your posts! I'm not getting the updates on my blog roll and it's pissing me off! Why didn't you tell me??

    OMG, those apples and the mousse stuff looks HEAVENLY! You are amazing in the kitchen!

    Hugs to Angel

    Justine :o )

  12. Hi Sara,
    The goodies look delicious. I am so sorry to hear about Angel and will keep her in my prayers for a good diagnosis for her limp. Animals are there for us through thick and thin and I for one think animal people are the best, you need to take the time to take care of your precious kitty! Give her a hug from me and Zeke (and you too ;) You're in our hearts, Sara.

    Happy and very safe New Year to you and thank you so much for your sweet words about being in front of the one and only Fifi's lens - it means more than you can know you saying those sweet words ~ merci!

  13. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! I can't believe I won!! Sara, thank you so much....what exciting news to come home to. :) Oh but so sorry to hear of your concerns with your sweet kitty girl. *sigh* I've had so much of it lately but I have a feeling your little girl will be just fine. My Mocha (who has seen me go through so much in life) has also been with me for 14 years so I SO understands what you're going through. I will pray for her, Sara....and think positive for 2010!

    I am so excited!! Okay, I will be emailing you my address.

    Happy New Year!! Hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I think it's about time to say goodbye to 2009. :)


    Lots of love and hugs...

    Michelle, Mocha, Quincy and Emma

  14. Thanks for the decadent treats I could almost taste them as I read the direction. I wish you well, as well as your kitty. Happy New Year to you. Hugs Florence

  15. Happy New Year! What fun to see your little pots of chocolate cream. I alsmost made the exact same desert for my Christmas dinner.
    I made a mix of expresso coffee with dark chocolate, cream and a few tablespoons of amaretto.
    Put them in the fridge to let them set a little. I was the best and the easiest desert in years. I served it with some wipped cream on top and a scoop of good vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of amaretto biscuit crums on the plate.

  16. I love all your treats and I love your blog.
    Thanks for visiting me.

    Happy New Year to you and your kitty. :-)

  17. Sara, those recipes are absolutely divine! Thanks particularly for the pot du creme recipe. I wanted one without eggs, and this is perfect. Thanks! XO

    Now, I am so sorry about your sweet kitty. I hope and pray that the spot is nothing more than an abcess and is not melanoma. I had two kitties that got into fights, and both had those nasty abcesses where you could not even touch them. There was a cat who lived nearby who made it a point to jump my two at any given chance. I just prayed for your baby right now. I understand full well what it means to love a fur baby that much, and I pray for you as well, dear Sara, that you are healed of any ailments that you're battling.

    It has been a real pleasure getting to know you this year (you are SO talented!), and I hope and pray that 2010 will be a year of blessings for you and yours...

    Happy New Year!


    Sheila :-)

  18. What sweet surprises :) What a great idea to do mini apples and your pot de creme sounds right up my alley! What a lovely container for it.

  19. Oh I hope your kitty is alright. I have a dog that is getting on in age and I worry about losing her. She's almost 14 and I have never been as attached to an animal as I have been to her.

    I hope you have a Happy New Year and that all good things come your way~and your kitties!

  20. I hope you have a wonderful new year!

  21. These have to be the darlingest things ever--they look delicious, too! Hope you have a great 2010!

  22. What neat ideas! They are not only unique and pretty, they look delicious!

    I hope all is well with your kitty!

    Happy New Year!


  23. Sweet post! Everything looked delish!
    I'm having a little New Years Give away too... stop by and enter if you get a chance...
    ~Really Rainey~

  24. Sara,
    EEEEK!!! I adore your miniature chocolate peppermint apples!!!! So small and cute and look SUPER YUMMY! I will totally have to give that a try!
    Im also liking the Teeny-Tini! Scrumptious!!!!
    Thanks so so much for visiting me and I appreciate your thoughtful and kind comments!!! :) Happy New Year! XO,Jenn

  25. I enjoyed your visit to my blog. Thanks for joining me there. These dipped apples are a wonderfully cute it!

    I hope your kitty is doing better...I know how you feel about her....sweet love indeed. I had mine for 9 years and cannot bear to even replace him.

    Thanks again for the visit...please come again soon :)
    Blessings to you!

  26. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  27. Mini Chocolate dipped apples?!?!?! Oh my, I think I'm in looooove!

  28. Sara thank you for coming by for a kind visit. It's always wonderful to see a comment from you sweet friend.

    I'm so sorry about poor Angel and her limp. I really hope and pray she will be getting better very soon. I know how much you mean to each other. Believe me I really do I understand how precious our cats are to us. Chestnut is truly my baby boy. He's my little shadow.

    Many blessings to you in 2010!
    ~Melissa :)

    PS I'll check back with you for an update on her.

  29. Love the mini apples. I enjoy reading your posts. I do hope even though your kitty was ill that you still had a wonderful Christmas and happy 2010!
    I will try to be around to read more often!!!
    Margaret B

  30. Thank you for your sweet wishes for the holidays. To you and your family also. I hope to be able to post more this year too. Blessings, Debbie

  31. I love all of your sweet treats! Happy New Year to you!

  32. What a delightful blob. I can see myself eating and drinking some of these fab treats.I love the chocolate apple mint.Yummm.
    Congrats to the winners of the totes.You lucky ladies.
    I am so sorry about your kitty.Fourteen years, I know how upset you must be. I will put your kitty in my prayers.I hope they can cure her,so she nay stay with you a few more years.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I haven't post anything new because I have been kind of lagging about after the holidays. But I'm hoping to get a new post out this week, so keep your eye out.I know I will be folowing you because I really do love your blog.
    Thank you Hon and I do wish you a Happy New Year,I look forward to getting to know you,
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  33. Hi Sara: Thanks for your visit to my blog. I look forward to getting to know you this year. I have read about what you do and you sound so fun. The sweets look wonderful. Wishing you God's very best this coming year! Blessings, Martha

  34. Sara, I actually visited day before yesterday, got called away on the phone, and never came back to comment. I'm sorry. I feel so much better these days and will be visiting everyone on a more regular basis! You were making me hungry and tempting me, girl!
    I hope your fur baby gets better. Pets are part of the family- we had our dog for many years before we had our son! He was Dan's big brother- LOL
    I have done personal training and taught various aerobic classes for years. Step was always a favorite. When I went back to work full-time, I cut back classes drastically. I was teaching 9 classes a week at two gyms and taking on individual clients for an independent personal training company, as well. I got burned out and I was killing my knees too. Now that my head is back to normal(whatever that means for me!) I hope to get back to it soon. Have to lose my own recently added pounds, first. So no more desserts for me and that is hard. Especially chocolate~
    Thanks for always visiting!
    hugs, Sue

  35. What wonderful sweet treats!!

    Sara I am so excited about being one of the winners for the tote!! Thank you so much! I sent you an email with my information!


  36. What adorable ideas! I came visiting from Martha's and I'm glad I did!

  37. Hi Sara!
    Oh my gosh you make the most delectable things I've ever seen. I have to buy some of those French script liners, so adorable...only I won't use them for cooking(unless it's out of a box...LOL)..I was thinking I might use them in my artsy stuff.
    I hope "Angel" is okay...I have a dog named "Angel" as well.
    Thanks for visiting me today...Happy New Year!!!

  38. Just stopping by to say thank you for your comment on my post. The candy cane carmel apple looks like something my grandsons would love at the holidays or anytime, actually.

  39. I will pray for your health concerns and for your kitty. I hope you don't mind - I stole that cat picture, because she looks like my new kitten.


I enjoy strolling through all of your blogs, leaving your charming places with a Sweet Surprise. I truly appreciate the time you take in returning my visits and leaving your inspiring comments.