Wednesday, February 11, 2009


To show my appreciation for the overwhelming response I received for my decadent dessert, I'm sharing my (Valentine) recipe for Foodie Friday. Hosted by the gracious Gollum. Take a stroll over to see the other Foodie fun spots.

The acclaimed day of Amor is right around the corner. It's the time of chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate. Who am I to go against tradition. I'm prepared to sacrifice my die-it for the sake of "chocolate love." They say... "the way to a persons heart is through their stomach." I agree. So, I thought in the spirit of the occasion I'd share one of my secret desserts with you. I've been known to be a tad protective of my recipes.

I've been collecting them since childhood.

Before we head over to my recipe need to put a little something on with your apron. It's a bit dusty where we're going.

This entails a short trip, but I'll do the driving. I know, not very efficient on gas mileage, but it's sure to get us there. We're looking into downsizing, possibly to a Hummer.

We're here....see that wasn't to far.

The (recipe box)entrance is down at the end of the hallway. Please excuse the appearance. We haven't gotten around to decorating this end of the house yet. It'll be in a future redo post. You'll be amazed to see what a little TNT &TLC can do!

Oops, looks like we've got some company...they'll just have to wait their turn.

A quick spin of the dial, the turn of a knob and voila!

While I grab the recipe. I'll have a couple friends show you around.

They'll be more than happy to give you a peek at my most cherished recipes.

Followed with a preview of the latest design in kitchen thermometers

How did you like the tour of my recipe box?
What? Vague you say......Hmmmm, you must have low blood sugar, so we'd better make our way to the kitchen and start cooking .
The best way to describe my style of cooking is; to have the plated presentation appear as if Ive had the chefs of a five star restaurant cooking in my kitchen all day. When in actuality, it took only simple ingredients in a minimal amount of time. The Valentine recipe that I've chosen to prepare......Napoleons!

No, not this kind

or this one either

These Sweet Delights!

More so like this...

and that

Here's what you'll need .
  1. Puff Pastry Sheets -1 pkg.
  2. Fresh Strawberries -1 pint
  3. Mascarpone -8oz.
  4. Whipped Topping - 1/2 cup
  5. Powdered Sugar - 1/4 cup
  6. Strawberry Jam (Seedless) 2-3 Tbls.
  7. Nutella 4-6 TBLS.
  8. Heart Shaped Cookie Cutters(optional)
  9. (click links for product detail)

To truly appreciate this dessert click on and enlarge. I promise the pictures are calorie free.

Defrost dough at room temp 15-25minutes.
The pastry will still be slightly firm to the touch, but pliable. Cut heart or desired shape.
Pierce holes with fork. This will help keep puffiness to a minimum.
Bake at 325 degrees for 15-20 minutes (lightly brown)

In bowl combine, 8oz. Mascarpone, 1/4 cup Powder Sugar, 1/2 cup whip topping. Beat until smooth and fluffy.

The fluff is dense enough to use an ice cream scopper. Put a generous scoop on your (baked) pastry heart.

Cut Strawberries lengthwise(looks like a heart shape). Rinse and drain leaving the berries slightly wet. Add the 2-3 (heaping)tablespoons of Seedless Strawberry Jam. Stir until all the berries are coated and the jam thins to a glaze consistency.

Spoon the berries on to the cream fluff. Top with another puff heart and more berries.
Put 4-6 tablespoons of Nutella in Ziploc bag (heat in microwave 10 seconds).
Snip a corner of the bag. Pipe across the plate over Napoleon.

Dust with powder sugar. I like to plate the dessert with my specialty dipped strawberries. Coconut, macadamia nut, toffee, pecans,white and dark chocolate.

***I wasn't sure if there was a need for instruction on chocolate dipped strawberries. If you want me to post a "how to dip berries with toppings" Leave a comment or email me***

So there's my top secret Napoleon Dessert. Now, if you would be so kind and stop over to the "Men in Black" They're gonna show you that cool thermometer again........

I want to show you the Sweet Surprise I received from Miss Laura at Decor to Adore.

A dainty glassine bag with Laura's original (design) charm bracelet inside.

(click to enlarge)

The miniatures are a soft blue as are the pearls. Every detail from the tinniest leaves to the flowers are all so precious . The watering pail adds the perfect touch. I don't think I'll be waiting till spring to wear it.
Laura~ You truly touched my heart! Thank you my sweet friend .


  1. I so wasnt to try this tomorrow night for my DH. is there anyway to substitute the marscapone cheese??? I haven't ever found it in our area...


    PS... love your recipe box!

  2. be still my Haert! That is delicious looking! It is abit like art work on a Plate!

  3. Oh YUM! But getting to that yum was even more fun! You are soooo funny;)

  4. Sara :)

    Happy belated Birthday!! I'm sorry I missed, but I've been a little busy ;) I hope it was wonderful!

    Those Napoleon's look sooooo yummy and the bracelet from Laura is adorable :)


  5. Ooh, yummy!!!!!!!!!! I wish I could join you for that dessert! It look soooooooooooo delicious and beautiful. Do you really plate it that gorgeous, or did you find those pics online?

    And that bracelet is so sweet! Love it!

    Justine :o )

  6. Oh man! I sure am missing out. I guess I could try making this on my own, but everything always taste better in your kitchen. This is torture.

  7. The strawberry treats look out of this world!!! I can imagine their yumminess.

    Thanks for visiting the domestic fringe. Hope you come back soon.


  8. Hi Sara...Happy Valentines Day!

    Just wanted to stop by your place to say thank you for your visit and for your kind comments! This is my first time to your blog as very nice to meet you!

    Girl, I just got a hoot reading your have a way with was great fun! Your recipe for Napoleans looks and sounds delicious, I'll have to try it! Thanks so much for sharing I really have to go and see the men in black now? Hehehe...

    Warmest wishes...

  9. Thanks for coming by my blog today. It's so nice to meet you. I have made these a few years ago, but I love the heart shape you've made. These would work well on an anniversary or bridal shower. Your blog is so cute. I'll be back. Mimi

  10. Sara,
    I love your recipe vault! Thanks for the giggle. And the Napoleans? They look dreamy - I love Nutella and I'm thinking of asking my husband to make this for me (he has a way with puff pastry ;)

    The bracelet is darling from Laura. I like your little rabbit there too, so charming. Okay, you said it was alright to leave info about the vintage Marie bottle here, so the bottle is 5" tall with stopper and the brass stamping of Dauphine de France is Circa 1940, oh and the bottle's from Italy but I think I said that in the description. Merci for asking!

    Happy St. Valentine's Day to you.

  11. OMG! I feel SO honored to have been taken to your recipe storage vault! These look delicious, and not so hard to make. I'll try them. Thank you so much for sharing the secret recipe. And that charm bracelet is so fun. Fun post! Happy Valentine's Day. laurie

  12. Oh my goodness Sara you have truly outdone yourself on this scrumptious dessert! Yummy!

    My hubby would love this one. Our Ten Year Anniversary is next week. I'll give it a try for sure. Thanks for sharing.

    Have a wonderfully Happy Valentines Day!
    ~Melissa :)

  13. Hi Sara....your Napoleans look fabulous...and step by step directions...I'm too lazy for all that photography work...They look terrific and I'll have to try them We are "goodie" lovers....Sue.

  14. Oh YUM!!!! I want one of these right now! They are so pretty too.

    Thanks for the directions. But boy am I tired. That was a long walk down there. LOL


    P.S. If there is anywhere aroung OC CA that you want me to go to and take pictures of for you I would be happy to.

  15. Look at you go, girl! I can't beieve you have turned into a posting machine over here. I knew you would be a FAB blogger. I just love to see what you are doing!

    I have had the pleasure of these napoleons you make and they are scrumptious! Absolutely great. Nice photos. Is that your humble camera?! Cause I know those are your dishes and that is your kitchen bunny chef!

  16. I love this post!! You are so creative... I love it!! The pastry looks so difficult,, but seems easy enough to make. I'll definetly try this and have a Happy Valentine's Day! Tracey

  17. Hi......
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweet heart...... And that bracelet is so sweet!

  18. Your posts are always so much fun! Love the Men in Black joke!! hehehe!! Yummy!

  19. Hi Sara!
    It's so nice to meet you! Thanks so much for stopping by for my tea!!

    I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you were making Napoleons! ( Love the journey to your recipe box, too funny, I love a bit of humor) Well anyway, my dear friend & I used to get Napoleons from a Greek restaurant in Toledo that were legal on Weight Watchers. They were like, 1bread, 1dairy, something like that. And they were soooo darn incredible. The restaurant went out of business and our heavenly Napoleons went with it! Do you have a low cal version of a Napoleon that I could surprise my girlfriend with? What is marscapone?? Fattening?
    Oh I'm so excited to have found you!
    You can email me @

    Hugs, Sherry

    hope your Valentines Day & birthday were wonderful!!

  20. Wow. I am so impressed! Those look incredible.

  21. Hi Sara, So glad you enjoyed the cocktail and you had a lovely evening with Mr Sweets. I have to admit when I made mine I think I used too big a glass but the bit I drank was yummy. Your Napolean dessert looks gorgeous. I have some nutella in the cupboard and I need some more ideas for using it, so I will have to try your recipe.
    Sorry I missed wishing you Happy Birthday so Happy 'Belated' Birthday! Great post, You are an absolute hoot! LOL! X

  22. I can honestly say I've never enjoyed a recipe post more! Since I don't cook and am actually terrified of even entering the kitchen...I usually skip recipe posts. But this one was just too much fun and so entertaining! And the final product made me drool on my keyboard...oh and so did that gorgeous, unbelievable charm bracelet...pardon my while I lust after it for a few more minutes!

  23. My husband would LOVE me if I made this!!!

    Thanks so much!

  24. Good Lordy that was a brilliant dessert *sigh* and very satisfying indeed... I have some puff pastry ready to go so I may just give this a shot! The fam has been waiting for danish pastries...

    Aside, my Granny and I used to nosh on napoleons on summer afternoons while we watched soap operas (do you remember Another World?)

  25. Hi Sara. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Also wanted to wish you a belated Valentine's Day. I hope your weekend was filled with lots of sugary blessings!

  26. What a great post and thank you for sharing your recipes with us!

    Victoria xx

  27. It is so nice to meet you..What a great recipe.. thanks for sharing. I hope to try it soon.
    I'll do some research the first of the week about the toile dishes. They had previously been discontinued. I'll do my best to try and locate some for you..I hope you had a fantastic Happy Valentine's Day!! hugs ~lynne~

  28. I COULD NOT IN A MILION YEARS make those things. They look gorgeous, elegant .....and way beyond my cooking skills. You have some receipe vault for sure!!! You are one elegant lady I am thinking.....perhaps you'd like to make them for me? (they probably don't ship so well eh)

  29. those look just delicious!!! what a fun post too, you are SO funny and clever:) love the bracelet!!!

    ps: email on the way about marie...

  30. Hi Sara! This was such a cute post! Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Hi!
    Thanks so much for taking time to stop by my blog for a visit! I think I am going to have to make this wonderful sounding dessert! Come back and see me again soon!

  32. HI Sara, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love meeting new people! I'm glad you liked my little teaparty, I must admit I had a ball putting it together. YOu r napoleons look absolutely marvelous!!! I've never had one, but Now I want one! Loved the tour to your secret recipes.. Id never cook if I had to go through all that to get to my recipes!! I bet you have a lot of them memorized dont you??!! Well lets be sure to visit each other again soon and if its ok with you, I will add you to my blog roll.. (its so much easier to keep track of my blogger pals that way!
    hope to talk to you again soon!

  33. Yum...these look soooo good! With those ingredients, how can you go wrong???...Debbie

  34. Could anything look lovelier? Delicious plus beautiful!!!

  35. ooo, I can not wait to try looks absolutely delicious and as if you spent hrs and hrs on it...yet it sounds so simple. Having ladies over next month for lunch and cards...this will be our dessert...MANY THANKS..

  36. Yummmmm! Thanks for sharing your secret recipe! I hope you had a wonderful Valentines with Hoff! Now were you kidding when you said you hung out on Donnie and Marie's set???


  37. What an amazing, fun, delicious post!
    Napoleons are my favorite. We used to buy them all the time in France and would usually eat them before we made it home from the bakery!
    I'm copying your secret recipe and will try my hand at it.
    I'll let you know!

    I love your sense of humor!

  38. This is such a great post!! Sooo funny & I am drooling all over the computer with those delicious photos! YUM YUM!!!! So glad I visited-thanks for visiting me today! :) chris p.s. beautiful blog!

  39. arityAnother Brillian Post!!

    Thanks Sara

  40. Ooo! I used to make Napoleons...why did I stop? Those look so amazing with strawberries inside and that drizzle!!
    I'm so glad you are keeping that recipe safe below ground LOL :)

  41. Hi Sara!
    What a great post! Love your humor!

    OMGosh, these look incredible! I hope you don't mind if I post a link back here to this post on my Tea blog. Yum-o!! I can't find strawberries here (in VA) that taste good until mid-summer. Don't know if I can wait that long! ;)

    I love all your kind words you leave me on my blogs. YOU are a sweet surprise! :)

    Sheri~~Prim Rose Hill Studio

    Oh yes, love the bracelet...dainty and spring-y! Sweeeet!

  42. GM Sara...I just coming by here you always have a great post plus the bonus of all these YUMMY I hate to sound like a dummy which I am..but girl what is Marscapone ?? thats a new one for me..I mean these look wonderful...but don't know about this one item..thanks for sharing another great post...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  43. Yum. Thanks for visiting my blog, i am going to check out yours more. mishelle

  44. Hi Sara, Thanks for dropping by for a visit & you are oh so right! The Napoleon's are to die for! The charm bracelet is just too precious for words too! ♥ Diane

  45. hello! thank you for the visit..and the wonderful comment!
    I wish I was a baker or even a cook....I like to clean hate to make the mess! lol
    Your kind words about my gardens and blog are so appreciated....thank you new friend!

  46. This is such a fun and yummy post! I love your blog. Thank you so much for opening your vault to all of us!! I'll be back again and again, I know.

  47. OH YUM!! Thanks for coming again back to my blog! It's good to see you!
    Thanks for the recipe, I think.....I will need a special occasion to try looks like a good splurge!


  48. You are so very creative, funny, and talented!! What an amazing looking dessert!! So glad to have found you!!

    I will definitely be back!!
    What a great post!!

  49. thanks for your kind visit to my blog

  50. This looks extremely easy! Of course, anything with puff pastry and Nutella has my vote! Yum!

    I have lived in Orange County for 2 years and in Cypress for about 2 years many moons ago. I grew up in Long Beach, went to Millikan, and my folks still live there.

    It's nice to meet you! Your blog is a great deal of fun!


  51. Hello, So nice to meet you, thank you for coming by for a visit, and your sweet words.
    I just love your blog It is the cutest,
    and fun to read.

  52. What a funny Post!!! Loved it and the treats are beautiful! Don't you just Love Laura and her blog? What a pretty bracelet.


  53. (LOL) Love your sense of humor! The Men in Black themometer didn't work...I'm stealing your recipe...consider it stolen! :-) Great post and Welcome to Foodie Friday! Susan

  54. These look wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing...

    Happy Foodie Friday!


    Sheila :-)

  55. Yum! I went to the store today..but I am going to add the ingredients for next week!

    Happy Foodie Friday!


  56. These look delicious, and beautiful too! What a wonderful recipe, thanks for opening the "vault". Really fun post. Kathy

  57. fabulous and fun! just loved watching your story unfold, and thank heavens sugar was the reward!

  58. Yummy Yum Yum! and a great story to boot. Thanks for the laughs and the recipe. Pam
    P.S. That bracelet is too cute.

  59. Very funny post! Thanks for sharing those top secrets. The way I look at it is if you expect a recipe to stand the test of time you've gotta share! :-)

  60. My finger got tired trying to get to the end of the long list of guests! Awesome napoleons, I will so try them!

    Thanks for sharing...

  61. Sara, I think I gained 5 pounds just reading your yummy post. I'm gonna have to try that one out. I promise to keep it "our little secret"!

    Smiles for a great weekend,

  62. Awesome! I am so trying this! Thanks for sneaking us into the vault for a peek at this recipe. You didn't purposely leave out your secret ingredient? ~ Robyn

  63. The trip to your recipe box was hilarious! And that recipe - oh, là là! Linda

  64. My goodness that desert looks delicious!! I will definitly have to try it. Loved your post!

    Thanks for your visit, my tooth is feeling better. I'm anxious to see what the endodontist says on Thurs.
    and thank you for your sweet compliment,but no I wasn't a model. Those pictures just happen to be at the right angle I guess. LOL!! You're to sweet to say that though! Thanks, Kristen

  65. Just beautiful..thank you for sharing your secrets!!

  66. Yum! That looks absolutely delicious, Sara. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. I might want these for my birthday.
    xo Lidy

  67. I'm so glad you stopped by to visit my blog because I got to find out about YOUR blog! It was so much fun reading through your postings. I love that "thermometer" mind eraser in this post!

    I'll definitely be back!


  68. Hi Sara
    Thanks for leaving a "sweet" comment. Your dessert looks so yummy. I'm going to have to try it for sure.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  69. Good morning, Sara!
    I'm getting Vintage Marie ready to travel to her new home.
    Talk soon,

  70. Oh my gosh, Sara there's s much to take in on your blog! I love it!! Thanks for coming by my place and it's so a deal with the smore campout! I'm there!

  71. Thanks for posting the secret recipe! It looks heavenly and no calories at all!

  72. This is totally divine--and what a fun post, to boot!

  73. this post has made you a star, i just love it all! super creative and fun, darling!

  74. Still gorgeous and yummy! Yummy!! What a great foodie choice for today! Thanks for sharing the recipe with us!

  75. I wish these were as calorie free as the pictures of them are! Oh my they look so yummy!

  76. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. I glad you did or I would not have found your blog. You are so funny and I definately will try the napoleons. Yum.


I enjoy strolling through all of your blogs, leaving your charming places with a Sweet Surprise. I truly appreciate the time you take in returning my visits and leaving your inspiring comments.