Saturday, December 20, 2008

She's making a list and checking it twice.

It's the last weekend before Christmas. The last weekend for scratching off the remaining names from your Christmas list. There's just one problem..




Poor St. Francis only has snow to offer. Don't fret, little critters we've filled the feeders to the brim and added a few apples for an extra sweet treat.

I had gotten so far behind on all Christmas Festivities, the thought of where to begin was overwhelming, so I didn't. Until... my hubby said "did you know there's a snow storm heading our way by Wednesday?" It was late Monday night, when this news flash blind sided me. I replied (casually). "How long is it going to last?" He gave me a long sigh with a soft even longer moan. Then utters, "probably through Christmas possibly New Years!" Me, now in a panic state exclaimed "that means I have Tuesday to get A-L-L my shopping done! ONE DAY-ALL MY SHOPPING -DONE!?@#!$?!
Well, that was the motivation I needed to spring into action. So, with the pedal to the metal I headed to our friendly neighborhood one stop shop. I got the Christmas and groceries covered, plus on the way home I took a drive through Starbucks for an eggnog latte and a gift card too. I surprisingly managed to stay in the holiday spirit, due in part to the many festive ensembles adorning so many shoppers. The Christmas sweater with 3D embellishments and the matching flashing Xmas lightbulb necklace. The holiday cheer that will humble almost any Baa Humbugger. There were a few Scroogies that weren't about to be swayed with glitter and sequins who were obviously heading for a snowman in July meltdown. Something like this....

It's still snowing, but my shopping is done. Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus.


  1. I finished my shopping last night, well except for my hubby-shhh I will have to be sneaky about that one-hehe! All this snow has made it tough to get out and do anything! I do love it when I can stay home and enjoy the fireplace, traditions with my family!

  2. But tis so pretty!
    Snows white it works.
    Enjoy the festive season and wishing you health and wealth for 2009

  3. Look at all that snow...
    I only get the pleasure of looking at it through the blogs..
    Have a Great Week..

  4. Hi, Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope you have a lovely Christmas X

  5. Hi Sara, I've been busy cooking and baking so haven't had much time to blog. We haven't had much snow just unbearable cold.

    I loved your comment about your kitty. That is so funny. Bailey has wanted out so I open the door, he takes one whiff and turns around and looks at me like I'm crazy. If he does go out it's for about 30 seconds. Anna says forget it, she doesn't go out at all! They are so funny.

    Have a happy holiday.

  6. Thanks for adding me to your list..I'm honored.
    You could also add followers and I would definately follow your blog

  7. You got those pics posted fast. Your fountain looks like a Christmas tree. Next year - lights!

    Your story inspired me:

    Twas a week before Christmas and Sara was waitin’
    Those last minute sales gleefully anticipatin’

    The stockings and ornaments still packed up with care,
    When the weatherman announced, “There’s snow in the air.”

    Away to the Shop Mart she drove in a flash
    Grabbed turkey and stuffing and ‘taters to mash.

    A present for Janie and one for Aunt Lou
    A latte from Starbucks and a gift card there too.

  8. Oh goodness! Snow is so great, but not when you have Christmas shopping to finish! Best of luck with it, and Merry Christmas! :)

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog and dropping me a line. Would you believe that people over here actually dream of a white Christmas, which is quite uncommon here with our moderate sea climate. Have a wonderful (white) Christmas!

  10. Love that festive little video. Ah, the holiday spirit ;0!

  11. Merry Christmas Sara!! Thank you for always being so sweet to me :)

    I wish you great happiness in the coming year!

    big Christmas hugs,

  12. The pictures are beautiful! I loved the door bang rage - I'm still giggling! ☺ Diane

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