Wednesday, August 27, 2008

There are TWO kinds of SCARY....ONE the OBVIOUS.


There are many similarities, but I feel number two is more menacing. I never know what lurks behind the dental walls. There wasn't the obvious entrance of doors flanked with Gargoyles, as I crossed the threshold. I hesitated expecting a shout out, "cue the sound effects from House On Haunted Hill"! Hmmmm, if I didn't know better... I'd swear Vincent Price himself was the receptionist who checked me in. The assistants' unassuming disguises of pearly white smiles and cartoon printed scrubs, ushered me along as if we were taking a stroll through the park. Have you ever wondered why you're laid back in a reclined position? I say it's to break your fall when you faint! Listening to the moans of the drill I heard it say... NOOOOOO and MOMMMMY! Take a listen next time you pay a visit, and see what it says (groans) to you. Unlike most of Vinnie's guest I made it out alive to post (my warning) about the *DEN of TESTs* of courage. I didn't win a Million Dollars for surviving. I actually GAVE money for my venture, which still leaves me perplexed. Oh well, at least I made it out safe and sound with great teeth and a seemingly friendly reminder of my next (scary) appointment, EEEK....
*You'd never guess I actually had a carrer in the dental field, LOL!


  1. You've shimmered me timbers with your post, I seriously am a total dental phob, I can't handle even thinking about it and now I'm all creeped out having read your post!
    There's safety in numbers and now I'm not alone, I know someone else who is as frighten of them as I am!

  2. This post made me shudder and laugh outloud. I had a similar experience this week when given the estimate of my son's orthadontia treatment. :)

  3. Spooky! Who needs Halloween when you have a dentist chair?

  4. Hi Sara, I just found your comments on one of my previous post and was so glad that you'd stopped by. Your Dental post was too funny, I hate the dentist too but have an appointment next Thursday. I feel the doom and gloom already. I'ts like I'm walking in to have my head chopped off.LOl! Deb

  5. Sara,

    That was so hilarious!

  6. Hi Sara, thanks for stopping bye and saying Hello!! Anna and Bailey enjoyed your lovely compliments too!! You have a great blog and I'll be back to check on you often. I enjoyed your dentist post. I think we all dread going. My next appointment is November and I'm already dreading it.

  7. This is hilarious! I always catch myself all tensed up when I go to the dentist and I have to force myself to relax over and over until the appointment is finally done. I found your blog from Ribbonwood Cottage. I don't have a blog, but I really enjoy reading them and seeing all the creative ideas out there!

  8. Hi Sarah!
    I know what you mean... Another quote
    " I don't care if it's not supposed to hurt.... GIVE ME MORE NOVACAIN"!



    P.S. Thanks for your comments, your name is in the pot! : )

  9. Hi Sarah and it's so nice to meet you! Congratulations on started a blog! Oh, I have to tell you - that movie was really the first scary movie I had ever seen when I was a little girl. It came on late at night on TV and I 'made' my Daddy sit up with me to watch it! It literally scared me to death. Well, I didn't really die, but boy it scared me~! I don't like the dentist chair either and I've been there sooooooooooooooo many times.
    I grip the arms of the chair till my knuckles turn white!!
    Thanks for coming to see me and I'll be back to visit.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Thanks for stopping by the back porch Sara. All About Home doesn't have a website. I'll see if I can find out the vendor for the doll and let you know. It was one of my favorites, too.

  11. Sara, thank you for your visit today. I am glad I found time to respond to your sweet comments.

    Your post is so true. It is the unknown at the dentists office that is so scary. The unknown bill!!! :)

    Hugs, Jeanne

  12. Well, here's my face, chick!! LOL Yep, had a good time in the wilds of Idaho and hubs did ALL the work and I was the queen absolutely but it's sooooooooo good to be home in my bed, chair, kitchen without yellow jackets buzzzzzzing around my food and rain, mud and dust in my toesies!!!

  13. If you think the dentist is scary, stay away from the orthodontist. It is a pain that keeps on giving. Only 2 months to go!!!

  14. I'm not even going to talk about my terror of dentists. You'd die with laughter I'm sure.

  15. I do hate going to the dentist and guess what??? I have to go. Now I am already getting scared.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I still live in the 70's (in my mind anyway!)

  16. Beach trip? What beach trip??

  17. I don't know why I've never been afraid of the dentist! I guess, and no I'm not lying, because I've never had a cavity! The worst for me is the lecture and glaring looks I get for not flossing often enough... *sigh* I'm trying... but, I'm sorry... stringing a thread between my teeth wasn't on the list of important things to do today. I suppose it should be... if I want to have anything to floss when I finally do find the time! Ha.

  18. Hi Sara,...Dentist, I had my share of those scary visits. Cute post!

    Thanks so much for coming by to visit..I hope you come again.

    Blessings, Shelley

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog Sara! Dentists can be scary...luckily we have a really good one now, but now my son also has to deal with the orthodontist and braces. Ugh!

  20. Come on girl! Give us a post :)!!


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